New to being nude, looking for tips and buddies
Hi guys!
Im excited to join the community. Ive always been more comfortable nude but am still a little apprehensive about sharing publicly.
Wanted to say hello to all of you! If anyone wants to chat or has any tips, message me!
- 7 years ago
It's a great way to enjoy life but yes it does take a mental leap of courage to strip off the first time. Just take it a little at a time, trying a full w/e nude at home and as much time as possible when not out of the house for work, school, shopping, etc. At some point you will want to try being nude outdoors. You are in a good state to give it a try - lots of places you can give it a shot by yourself. And there is a very nice place on the north side of Phoenix as well as a great place in Tucson where you can learn to enjoy nudity in the presence of others. It will actually be easy to do once you jump into it. Good luck to you.
- 7 years ago
Welcome to the website and to a new life adventure. There are plenty of local nudists that you will be able to hang out with and socialize. One key is to put in lots of information in your profile and to add many photos.
- 7 years ago
Just do it....thats the only advice, if you do't push yourself off the edge you end up a closet nudist.
- 7 years ago