2018 is Mine!

Okay, it's been seven years since I "got started", and I still look pretty much like I did. It's time to make this year My Year. I want to make a transformation so grand it has people picking their jaws up off the floor before they can say, "Wow, I didn't even recognize you!" Let's Do This!

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RE:2018 is Mine!

Routine, lifestyle changes, persistence, results. Good luck!

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RE:2018 is Mine!

Thanks, man!

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RE:2018 is Mine!

Okay, it's been seven years since I "got started", and I still look pretty much like I did. It's time to make this year My Year. I want to make a transformation so grand it has people picking their jaws up off the floor before they can say, "Wow, I didn't even recognize you!" Let's Do This!

From the look of your pictures you already have lots of muscle. You probably need the same as I do and that is just work out regular and stay at it. Enjoy

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RE:2018 is Mine!

It can be done it's all persistence and mindset.

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RE:2018 is Mine!

I'm there with you. Have my own gym in the garage but for the past few years I've not had much of a routine.
This year......gonna be different. I'm going to go at it full swing. I hope my muscle memory didn't forget! :)

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