A Generation Gap?

I just did a video about what is happening in the USA with the idea of nudity in the locker rooms. Youtube has way to many videos of younger guys complaining about nudity in the local gym locker rooms. You don't believe me, do your own research.

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RE:A Generation Gap?

I just did a video about what is happening in the USA with the idea of nudity in the locker rooms. Youtube has way to many videos of younger guys complaining about nudity in the local gym locker rooms. You don't believe me, do your own research.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9UD5FJzD-w

I was chatting a while ago with some colleagues born in the 80's when one of them commented about their perceived lack of modesty in their gym's locker room by some of the older members. I responded that when they and I were growing up, gang lockers and nude swimming were the norm in places like the YMCA and scout camp. They acted like I had just arrived from another planet. I was surprised not so much because they would not have experienced it themselves, but that their fathers, who would be in my age range had apparently never mentioned it to them.

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RE:A Generation Gap?

Im a Gen-xer and never heard about the Ys like this except on one episode of Eight Is Enough when the father took his son swimming at a Y and was shocked they no longer swim nude there. I assumed it was just for TV and people never actually swam naked there.

My dad was never naked around us and none of my friends ever talked about their dads ever being naked , either. This is one part of the equation why Id be interested in hanging out with dads and their kids regardless of age.

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