Looking for home nudist friends in Seattle area

It would be really nice if I had some nudist friends in my vicinity whom I could visit and be nude with... given it's a bit of a drive to c-o venues and nudist clubs & resorts, for me, living near SeaTac.

Currently my wife and I have our adult son and his son living with us, and a houseguest, none of whom are receptive to being naked. After our houseguest leaves in March, I might be able to host for an hour or three during the day, sometimes.

So... anyone interested? We could get to know one another over lunch or coffee/tea first.

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RE:Looking for home nudist friends in Seattle area

you know, we are candidates.
are you aware of slugs - sun lovers under gray skies?

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RE:Looking for home nudist friends in Seattle area

Absolutely you are candidates - as you and I have discussed, it's mostly a matter of our schedules not meshing, and of course the 90 or so miles that separate us.

Oh, and yes, I'm aware of the slugs - quite a few years ago I occasionally went to nude swims that the sponsored - maybe not them, but the man, Rick Perkins I think, who was involved in starting the slugs if I recall correctly. He since passed away.

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