Lifetime gardener.

Hadnt noticed the gardening group, anyway my grandfather made his living with produce, mother carried on with a huge garden every year when i was little, i grew to love growing things and plan on turning it into a profession now that im getting old enough to want to start reversing time. Eating fresh is the best way to slow down advancing age. And growing it all myself is the only sure way to get it contamination free. And since nude gardening was the way humans started out on earth. I see that as the ideal plan for all time.

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RE:Lifetime gardener.

I'm glad you found us, and you've come to the right place if you want to learn how to grow healthy food and to enjoy it naked.

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RE:Lifetime gardener.

Ive been wanting to find a gardening group where the true original gardening methods are not strange and controversial. (nude for one) And I love to learn more about growing things. There's always new things to learn about natural sciences. And the more I learn the more interesting it gets. But having started gardening when i was barely walking and grew up with my mother working out her own ways. Then more recently researching nutrient dense methods, I find myself answering questions a lot more than asking. But theres one meeting i want to attend, but still havent been able to. Where the top agriculture researchers meet to teach and discuss their methods and findings. Acres USA agriculture conference. Organic and Nutrient dense oriented. Not mainline farming where all they know is how to use more toxic chemicals. Thats foolishness. I think combining the best of everything is where I want to go with it, with zero toxic substances. The soil should be a living web of activity, microbes and fungi digesting minerals and feeding plant roots, and plants exuding sugars feeding the microbes, toxic chemicals knock that all out. But since my farm is a rough mountainside, I will have to do it small scale, and yet work intensive for the area. Using the small tillable shelves i can work out between the steep slopes and rocky places. But the advantage is isolation, nude friendly.

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