Greenhouse work

Best place to work naked i can think of. In winter where its not so nice outside. I plan on setting up my own oppurtunity to do it, but then might need help maintaining it.

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Greenhouse work

Sounds like fun.

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Greenhouse work

Well, im still locked up. In a job i dont like and cant break from very well. Being co owner of the company has it problems. I cant just quit. The truck has to keep going, so until they round up another driver im trapped. My biggest problem with it is bordom i think. The long days of driving leaves nothing to think about but all my gardening and horse training plans. But it gets terribly frustrating to go over it day after day in imagination and not be able to do a thing.
But anyway, i want to develop high brix gardening ideas into small commercial level growing. But I know that will take constant attention, regular planting, harvesting, delivery to market, and monitoring the fertility applications and irrigation. And once its functioning and generating a decent income i will not want to be tied down to the daily rutene work. I need to be free to develop more areas to expand, to travel on occasion. Thats where some help would come in handy. The kind of fresh produce i want to grow would sell like crazy for top price once people get a taste of it. Fun diet to eat myself. Significantly health enhancing and disease fighting diet. I know what is possible and have a pretty good idea how to get there, but the details are experimental in practice. There would be a few ground rules and any applicant would need a certain amount of education on how things are and will be, and would have to agree to live and work accordingly. Love of gardening would help. And once things are set up there may be room for people who need health help. The diet i want to grow would knock out any disease i think, if it hasnt been left go too far. The healthier the plants are the stronger their immune system is, and eating them raw strengthens our immune system till nothing bad can survive in us.

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Greenhouse work

Been home working on stuff. Got a couple good size projects to finish up before I can start on a greenhouse. Storage shed to build which is getting started and then the house to finish building, (that I started long time ago and is about 85% done) gotta saw lots of cedar and put it up for siding, plus kitchen and bathroom to finish inside and the hardwood floors to sand and put coating on. Then we can move the aged parents in and get going on the greenhouse project. But they are gradually requiring more and more care. We're going to attempt to do some treatments on my dad and see if we can get him back to being able to handle himself better. He's 91 so I don't know how much good we can do. My mother has skits and diabetes, bad combination. But I'm hoping once we get the greenhouse going we can start feeding her out of it and get her improved some.

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  • 6 years ago
RE:Greenhouse work

I had a friend who owned several greenhouses and would often work nude in the ones that were not visible from the road.

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  • 5 years ago