RE:Choosing to be nude in exam room before your doctor arrives

Despite living in one of the more liberal towns in my state, PAs at my doctor's practice sometimes flip out at the thought of even taking off my shirt for an EKG. However, at my last visit, a new nurse was trying (unsuccessfully) to stick an electrode through the hair and getting pretty frustrated. When I asked if it would make things easier if I took off the shirt and we shaved a patch, she breathed a huge sigh of relief. When the doc came in, he just nodded and asked if we could do the rest of the exam so he didn't have to use a stethoscope through a shirt. I've never offered or been asked to take off anything more, though.

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RE:Choosing to be nude in exam room before your doctor arrives

Despite living in one of the more liberal towns in my state, PAs at my doctor's practice sometimes flip out at the thought of even taking off my shirt for an EKG. However, at my last visit, a new nurse was trying (unsuccessfully) to stick an electrode through the hair and getting pretty frustrated. When I asked if it would make things easier if I took off the shirt and we shaved a patch, she breathed a huge sigh of relief. When the doc came in, he just nodded and asked if we could do the rest of the exam so he didn't have to use a stethoscope through a shirt. I've never offered or been asked to take off anything more, though.

Was it your primary doctor or cardiologist?
Do you also see a dermatologist?

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RE:Choosing to be nude in exam room before your doctor arrives

Like so many things, not every situation is the same and actions vary. A few years ago I was seeing a new physician for my annual exam and it so happened that this doctor was a relatively young female. I was fully clothed as she asked a number of questions and did some basic eyes and ears things. When it was time to listen to my chest, she asked a bit nervously for me to take off my shirt and wanted to know if I would like to put on a gown. I explained that I found them very awkward, to which she agreed. At which point, I said to myself, what the hell, and told her I was a nudist and would be more comfortable just being naked as necessary. Shortly thereafter it was time for a rectal, so now Im completely nude. She joked about having small fingers and from there on we developed a great rapport. Now Im always nude in the examing room before she arrives. We chat, she does whatever is necessary and chat some more.

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RE:Choosing to be nude in exam room before your doctor arrives

Yea, I wouldn't strip off before the doc arrives or asks me too. That just sounds like exhibitionism. Now, I do get an annual physical where he gives me the silly paper blanket and I need to be nude for a proper check. That blanket never gets used. I'm not shy or a prude.

I also recently needed an ultrasound on my legs to look for blood clots. The tech asked me to strip to my underwear. I told her I went commando and that I was not shy in any way and was a nudist and that if she was ok I was ok. She stated she was so happy to hear that. She was so used to puritans and their garments and silly ideas getting in the way of her doing her job.

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RE:Choosing to be nude in exam room before your doctor arrives

The only Dr. I get totally naked for is the Dermatologist. He knows I'm a nudist and he knows I want every inch of skin looked at. They give me a cloth gown to put on opening to the back. He examines everything but "my underwear area" and tells his female assistant to turn her back when he does my underwear area. He gives a very thourogh exam, touches everything, has me bend over so he can check between my cheeks. So I'm very happy with it. Something different, he doesn't wear gloves. When he comes into the room he washes his hands and uses the hand sanitizer though. I like that he doesn't use gloves and I think he does too a little

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RE:Choosing to be nude in exam room before your doctor arrives

I've only had to be naked for doctors a few times. Because I don't wear underwear, I make sure these doctors knew when I was told to strip down to underwear. After telling them that I did not have underwear on, they gave me a paper gown but still wanted me to strip.

Our dermatologist knows and I've shared those stories and visits before. Because of our being comfortable naked, she says we are her favorite patients because she's able to do a thorough exam as opposed to those that are too modest for her to do a complete exam. If a med student is visiting and doing required clinical time, she'll ask if they can observe. We've allowed them in the room for the exam and our dermatologist is very appreciative, as is the med student.

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RE:Choosing to be nude in exam room before your doctor arrives

Was it your primary doctor or cardiologist?Do you also see a dermatologist?

This was my primary. The cardiologists I've seen don't care/prefer to get the shirt out of the way. It seems to make their job a lot easier.

I don't see many specialists unless there's a specific reason, but I'd like to think that dermatologists would appreciate accommodating patients.

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RE:Choosing to be nude in exam room before your doctor arrives

Was it your primary doctor or cardiologist?Do you also see a dermatologist?This was my primary. The cardiologists I've seen don't care/prefer to get the shirt out of the way. It seems to make their job a lot easier.I don't see many specialists unless there's a specific reason, but I'd like to think that dermatologists would appreciate accommodating patients.

My dermatologist seems to want patients to keep their underwear on and he cautiously pulls it aside to check underneath. I do remind him that I get sun where most people don't so he will check everywhere.
Always get an EKG first at the cardiologist. I take my shirt off instead of bunching it up and leave it off for the exam.

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RE:Choosing to be nude in exam room before your doctor arrives

Most doctors will not want you to be completely nude. I have only been asked on two or three occasions to remove all clothing for a dermatologist who offered a complete body exam with several others in the room and a urologist doing a male exam to extract semen, you men know about this! My retired wife was a head nurse for a local doctor for 20+ years. I have been told many stories about this subject from her perspective. I can assure you all of the (naked) exhibitionists in the exam room were not appreciated. I never wear underwear. It has never been an issue unless they ask you to strip to them, in that case I just pull the shorts down to below the butt and wait for the prick. I have had many a shot given in the rear end by female and male nurses with no issue.

The doctors office is really not the place to exhibit your self, they see bodies all day long and are generally repelled by this. However I have been told many stories from other professionals it also happens in the OBGYN clinics as well. It would be interesting to find out who practices this behavior most, Males or Females?

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RE:Choosing to be nude in exam room before your doctor arrives

Not a doc visit but the pre op room. This past December it was time to have my pacemaker replaced. A simple out patient procedure. I did not even give a thought to putting on underwear since i have not worn any for decades. I got there and the male prep nurse told me to strip to my undies and put on the gown. He left the room. I stripped off and put on the gown and lay back on the bed. A female nurse came in and shaved my chest which meant i lost about a dozen chest hairs. She just lowered the gown to do that. The doc came in and explained that because of the type of condition and pacemaker i have there was a remote possibility he would have to install a temporary one while he swapped out the real one. He added that my recovery time would be 4 hours not 1.5 hrs if he did. I did not press him what that meant just took it in stride.
When my original male prep nurse came back he wheeled me to the operating room. Supposedly he had given me something to relax me, not knock me out, but I honestly was fully awake and alert. There were about 1/2 dozen people in the room prepping it. My nurse said he would prep me so that if the doc needed to do the temp I would be ready. With that he drew my gown aside and with a towel covered my junk then proceeded to shave off the pubes on either side. He mentioned he would keep me covered and I noticed that the others all made a point of looking away. I told him I was not modest so don't worry about it. Just after my pubes met the razor the doc came in and said " I will not be doing the temp pacemaker" I joked to the whole room " well looks like i will have a new look at the nude beach my friends and I are visiting next month in Australia" ( Totally true statement 3 weeks later I was on a new beach in Perth. ) Got a chuckle. If I had worn undies the guy would have had to take them off before he shaved me.

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