Baseball season or / TANNING season
We are so ready for Baseball season/Tanning season, We always lay out and listen to ballgames, let the sun beat down on us and get tanned,,,,,Oh how we miss this during the winter,
We as you can see spend several hundred hours each year baking our old bones. How many of you enjoy this activity?
We have a pool etc and often lay on rafts, which a few years ago we bought several of the compressed foam type, they are well worth the money if you don't have one.
We enjoy using various oils and lotions, why do they smell so wonderful? I think we are addicted to them, I enjoy spraying them on just for the smell,
How many of you remember the old coppertone comercials where the dog pulled down the bathing suit of the little girl showing tan line?
the fond memories of each summer and we cant wait.
- 7 years ago
I'm more of a sunbaker than Di. After a few pre cancer spots were removed, she stopped sunbaking and lathers on the sunscreen and sits under umbrellas or in the shade. I'll sunbake alone but don't care for it. I like being close to Di while we're relaxing in the sun so lots of my sunbaking time will be alone, when she's out with friends or inside reading, napping ...
Love baseball season ... love football season but not a fanatic like I used to be. A loss for my teams would ruin my day and years ago, I decided that the outcome of these "games" were not going to affect or dictate my life. I'll listen rarely, watch occasionally and probably attend, in person, more often than anything else.
I think they should have a "Nude Day at the Park!" Lord knows, there have been times both of us said, "this would be a lot more fun in the sun, if we were naked!" ;-)
- 7 years ago