Baseball season or / TANNING season
Its getting closer and we cant wait. How much time do you spend tanning?
We love the smell of the various lotions and oils, love laying on rafts in our pool and at the resort
Are we addicted, of course we are
The fond memories of the time spent laying in the sun, care to share any with us?
- 7 years ago
I do more "tanning" than Di does. I'll occasionally sunbake but she doesn't anymore since having some pre cancerous spots removed. My tanning or sunbaking is done on a lounge chair or floating mattress in the pool but for the most part, we tan doing things around the backyard while almost always wearing nothing but a smile!
I'm more an oil person than Di. She likes her high SPF lotions and their scent. She's not much into oils but I am. In my earlier days of sunbaking ... I'd go through bottles of Baby Oil! One of the favs right now is Baby Oil with Aloe but for tanning, I use Banana Boat or Hawaiian Tropics. I love coconut but Di doesn't like the smell or taste so I use any oil with coconut scent, minimally! :DDD
- 7 years ago
I do more "tanning" than Di does. I love coconut but Di doesn't like the smell or taste so I use any oil with coconut scent, minimally! :DDD
Try using Bacon scented oil and see if she likes that any better.
- 7 years ago
I'll pass on the baseball part of the thread, its not big in the UK and I know very little about it. However nude tanning is, certainly this week, which has seen temperatures rise from about 14 to 28 C in a week, its amazing how many nudists we've seen over the last few days at our local beach. Deprived of good amounts of warm sun over a longer winter than usual its as if every local nudist has been watching the weather forecasts avidly and like me taken time off of work as soon as they could be pretty certain that this week was going to be the start of the serious tanning season. Its been wonderful to spend all day outside nude again with friends and catching up with those we've not seen much of recently, I could get very used to it!
As for the smells of tanning lotions and creams, they generally do smell, but not strongly, or those that our nudist friends use seem to be only mildly scented. But the ritual of applying it is great to observe, its all part of social nudism and a sure sign that its the start of hopefully a long summer of outdoor nudism. If any one knows of a better way of life than that of keen social nudists I'd like to know about it, but failing that I'll happily continue to be a nudist for the rest of my life, it is a fantastic lifestyle.
- 7 years ago
The calendar tells me that warmer weather should soon be here. I have booked the first weekend that I know I want to be at the resort. That is over the weekend following July 4th. I know the second weekend as well Labor Day weekend but, I have not booked the tent site for it yet. That leaves me one more weekend. Anyone I know have something special planned?
I am still looking for someplace to keep those tan lines at bay between my visits to the resort. My backyard is out for this year. Someone help please!
- 7 years ago
Looking forward to wearing these hats at an upcoming game between my team and her team! We're a house divided when it comes to Baseball! :DDDD
- 7 years ago