nutrient dense

or high brix as it's called sometimes, is a fertility system based on the work of a Dr Northern and Dr Cary Reams, who worked together, carried on by others since they passed on. Dr Northern was a medical doctor who discovered that disease is primarily caused by mineral malnutrition. He hired Reams to do research along that line, That was early 1900's. Dr Northern spoke to US Congress in 1936 trying to get their attention to the matter, but WW2 intervened and then the chemical industry took over agriculture. And our food quality, even as poor as it was in the 30's, has continued to decline ever since. The flavor is indicative of quality. And it's so bad that everything has to be sugared spiced and doctored up to make it edible. And the poor quality makes poor health. We don't even realize how unhealthy we are because we don't have a good standard to judge by. A good introductory article is at

It is basically just getting the minerals high enough and balanced right for the plants needs, along with carbon and fungi with soil biologic life working together. A bit different mineral balance than big ag uses, because Reams did radioactive mineral tagging and followed the plants actual use of minerals, while the main ag system depends on leaf mineral analysis. The proof is how it makes plants healthy, and super productive and tasty, and what makes plants healthy is what also makes us healthy who eat them. Its a huge subject to get into, and extremely interesting. Because it's really endless what can be done with plants. I think combining this system with nude gardening is the best combination. I keep trying to do it, but hampered by lack of money at times. So I went driving to make some. But I hate that job. I think I will try to go back to custom sawmilling until I can get produce going enough to cover operating expense. It's a boring job, and hard work, (I don't mind that) but at least it's peaceful. Not high stress like negotiating traffic constantly with a semi truck.

Since this is the only nude friendly gardening group Ive been able to find. Can we turn it into something really productive? Not just about doing it naturally without the heat retaining cloth, but add to it all the ideas we can round up on high producing, flavor enhancing, and nutrient densifying methods of fertility. Thereby enhancing our naturally nude time with the earth to the utmost for health and enjoyment.

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RE:nutrient dense

Great post, Reuben. I personally measure the brix of all my fruits and vegetables and constantly test and amend the soil to increase the nutrients in the final product. It's a lot of work, but the results are outstanding.

I'd love to share tips, tricks and info here on ways to make our gardens more productive. I wrote an article a few years ago entitled "The Top 10 Reasons to Grow Your Own Organic Food" and maybe I could publish them here one at a time.

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RE:nutrient dense

Id love to read them. There's a lot of stuff I do in gardening that I learned growing up with my mother gardening and experimenting, kind of ordinary things I forget that a lot of people who didn't grow up with it don't know. But questions asked will bring things out. One that we found is the use of kelp extract. It solves some problems. and feeds the plants with minerals and growth hormones. Helps seeds sprout faster and eliminates some common seedling diseases.

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