RE:spring garden

well, a day after a bit of snow and frosty night. (maybe the last frost, and I'm sure the last hint of snow we'll see till next fall, it's awfully late to see snow here anyway. ) It's warming quickly, promising to be in the 55-70 F range every day with more sunshine. It's naturist gardening weather coming on now. And after spending the morning getting supplies I'm ready to head up to my naturist realm and get busy. Got deer fence coming in tomorrow, so it's time I can groom some new beds and plant some things. Besides the usual tree cutting and firewood processing, removing shade from the area. It will be work in the dirt. sorting out the rocks and mixing in charcoal, (oh yah, need to take the old troy up and run that lumpy charcoal through it.) adding minerals and placing seeds, ongoing work for the next few weeks. I think radishes and lettuce will come first, then carrots and peas and many other good things.

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RE:spring garden

They are talking about 18C from tomorrow until Sunday so if the sun is out and no wind there will be a chance of nude gardening at long last.

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RE:spring garden

We had a late spring storm with 14" of heavy snow and ice. The worst part is that it caved in my greenhouse. I hope to be able to get out tomorrow and see if it can be fixed.

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RE:spring garden

We had a late spring storm with 14" of heavy snow and ice. The worst part is that it caved in my greenhouse. I hope to be able to get out tomorrow and see if it can be fixed.

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RE:spring garden

YES nude gardening today at last.

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RE:spring garden

Warm enough to do some proper digging.

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RE:spring garden

Warm enough to do some proper digging.

Been digging for the potatoes, onion sets and broad beans, as well as cutting the lawn and pruning down the fuchsia today and all done nude.

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RE:spring garden

Good gardening weather coming in finally. Off and on. Now it's 4 days of cool rain. More work will have to wait a bit. But in the mean time I will try to get a power riddle built. Well; dirt sifter to separate rocks. It's a riddle in foundry terms. But virtually identical to the sifters used in gravel quarries. A steel grid with shaker. dirt falls through and rocks jiggle off the end. There's too many rocks to make good growbeds, and digging them with hand fork like potatoes works but it's slow going and hard work. no sense in doing that with a track hoe sitting there. I can dip up the rocky dirt and dump it through the sifter and have rock free dirt and a pile of rocks separate. Everything bigger than a ft across is big enough to pick out with the bucket, and that includes boulders 6 ft across I've dug out, and some that won't budge with the hoe even so I will work around them.

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RE:spring garden

Warm enough to do some proper digging.

It's a beautiful sunny day here at 60 degrees, however we still have about 6" of snow on the ground no digging yet.

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RE:spring garden

I dug over the vegetable patch last week (video) and planted a first row of potatoes this morning.

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