Best strip games!
Hello everyone,
I'm just trying to make a list of best strip games to play in group (Only, face 2 face games, I'm not looking for online games).
I would like to have your opinions and some feedback about your experiences.
Here it goes the list:
1) Twister
2) Strip poker
3) Beer pong
4) Spin the bottle
5) Truth or dare questions
6) Ive never
7) Dares in a hat =] Everyone in the group writes a to-do act on a piece of paper and drops it into a hat
8) Battleship =] For each ship you sink, you take off one article
9) Monopoly =] Every time you land on a house, you take off an article of clothing.
10) Charades =] In Strip Charades if you get a point, the other team must decide between the two of them who loses an article of clothing
11) Flip, sip or strip. Everyone takes a turn to flip a coin. Call heads or tails after you toss the coin, and if you get it right, you do nothing. Get it wrong once, you have to down a shot glass. Get it wrong twice in a row, and you have to take off an article of clothing. Get it right three times in a row when it comes to your turn, and you can retrieve a piece of clothing you had to take off previously.
Which one do you prefer?
Any suggestions?
Presidents aka asshole is always a blast to play.
As long as the Prez makes a law that you have to strip if you use a name or my personal favorite is they have to strip if they use a word beginning with the letter "S". This includes the use of the letter itself when calling someone out for using it.
It is a brutal
I've also played Strip Sorry(TM)...
*) When a game ends, however many tokens you do not have in HOME, you have to take that many articles of clothing off. Past naked, you have to perform agreed-upon forfeits.
There is also Strip Billiards...
1) Playing Eight Ball/Solids and Stripes: Either take 1 article off for each ball of yours still on the table at the end of a game, or take 1 article off each time your opponent sinks one of theirs (if more balls, including the 8-ball, than articles of clothing, the first one/few are freebies).
2) Playing Cut-throat: Divide the balls up among the players. The object is to sink everyone's balls but your own. Whenever one of your balls leaves the table, you may immediately buy it back for an article of clothing. You can choose to leave the ball down. (If someone scratches, each opponent gets a ball back for free.) If your last ball is sunk, you must strip completely. Since you can be out and be brought back in by someone scratching, it is possible for everyone to be naked before the game ends.
Here are some based on bar/drinking games. In each case players should start with no more than an agreed number of clothes (say 5). The first game combines stripping and drinking.
One red hen. The first player says One... (say One red hen) and takes a sip of their drink. The second person repeats it and adds Two... (say One red hen, Two brown cows) and sips their drink. The third person repeats it and adds Three... (say One red hen, Two brown cows, Three wooly sheep), takes a sip of drink and so on. The first on who forgets one of the previous statements takes off an item of clothing*. They can get another attempt to remember the sequence of statements but remove another 2 garments if they get it wrong*. They then start the game again. If anyone has an empty glass they can/must refill it, paying with one of their clothes*. . The winner is the last one clothed.
I've Never (game 6 above). the first player says something they have never done. Everyone who has done it removes an item of clothing*. Players take turns.
Jet. Players sit in a circle . Player 1 starts, saying a number and the player that many to his/her left responds with another number and so on. It is played very fast. Anyone who misses a turn, or replies out of turn, takes off an item of clothing.*
*Now the interesting bit: In any of the games a player who is already naked can "borrow" an item of clothing from another player- that is require another player, or a spectator, to remove an item of clothing instead of themselves.
Here's a version of Battlestrip. It's Battleships but the loser ends up naked. Here are the rules/ penalties when each of your ships are sunk:
Submarine - Remove shoes (if it's the game with 2 subs take off one shoe for each one)
Destroyer - Remove socks/stockings/tights (one for each if it's the game with 2 Destroyers).
Cruiser - Remove all clothing except underwear on the top half of the body.
Battleship - Remove all clothing except underwear on the lower half of the body.
Aircraft Carrier - Remove all underwear. If You aren't wearing underwear you have to prove it by briefly exposing the part(s) of the body which would have been covered by the underwear.
And to add spice:- If you have to take off one item of clothing to remove the required item (shoes to take off socks, pants to take off underpants...) you are not allowed to put it back on.
Almost any game can be adapted - playing for garments instead of money or tokens. The game Left Center Right is an example. It has three dice faces L (say 1 or 2) for Left, R (say 3 or 4) for Right and C (say 5 or 6) for Center. You take turns throwing the dice. Throw an L (1 or 2) and remove a garment and pass it to the player on the left. Throw an R (3 or 4) and pass one to the right. Throw a C (5 or 6) and put one in the middle. Of course a player can chose to put on a garment passed to them. It's more fun if players alternate male/female or in very different builds (so garments don't fit). Inevitably garments will pile up in the middle, leaving fewer in circulation. Player can continue even after they have lost all their clothing as they may get something passed to them from left or right. The game ends when everyone is naked except one, the winner. He/she claims all the clothing from the pile in the Center. Will he/she let the other players get their clothes back or will they have to end the evening naked? There could be forfeits.
We play strip Uno with a drinking twist. The strip part is pretty basic and can be handled in two ways (depending on how fast you want everyone naked.) First is whomever DID NOT win the hand, removes an article of clothing. This gets people naked faster but limits the drinking aspect. Second is once someone goes out, everyone adds up the points they're caught with and the one with the most removes an article of clothing. The drinking aspect is if anyone screws up during play, they take a drink (i.e., swig of whatever they're drinking.) Screwup is defined as ANYTHING that hinders play such as taking too long to play a card, playing the wrong card (color, value), playing out of turn (forgetting which way a reverse went or if skipped), not saying uno with one card left (in addition to drawing penalty cards), etc And the two biggies for taking a drink are swearing and pointing with your finger! Enjoy!