Nude Co-Working Office Space

Im starting a research project about shared office spaces for nudists. Im hoping to start a test week in LA in March. Think WeWorks for nude men. Inquiring about things that would be of interest, basic necessities, locations, and any ideas.

Seeking data from individuals who work from home, or remotely and may like to have an option like this. Sometimes working from home can be...well, quiet.

Thoughts, comments, observations, and such.


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RE:Nude Co-Working Office Space

This is a great idea! I telecommute and sometimes miss the social aspect of an office environment. If I didn't live 700 miles away I'd jump in on this! Will your office be dog friendly?

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RE:Nude Co-Working Office Space

Great idea about dog-friendly. Im always passive about dogs at the office, they need to be trained and not get in peoples way. We shall see.

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RE:Nude Co-Working Office Space

This would be awesome! Though I am in South OC, I might make the trip to LA once in a while.

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