RE:clothing optional vs nude

If I was the only one nude it wouldn't bother me if the other people didn't strip off as long as I can be nude I will be happy.

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RE:clothing optional vs nude

A separate area should be designated for those who do not disrobe as this makes some who do feel uncomfortable and would encourage others to join in the freedoms of nudity.

How would you handle a couple where one is comfortable being nude and the other is not?
Exactly what I was about to ask. That would exclude us for a start

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RE:clothing optional vs nude

My wife and I prefer (by far) the nude-only places. We feel much more comfortable when nobody wears any clothes.

Unfortunately most beches are CO.

On the other hand, its good if its CO if one of the two is not in the mood to undress.

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RE:clothing optional vs nude

What's the problem? Is there anywhere that is 100% nude? CO offers flexibility. It also allows potential nudists to put a toe in the water before diving in.I'm happy as long as I'm somewhere that I can get naked. I'm often the only nude on a CO beach, or at least the first. I don't care who's looking as long (as they are not offended). Sometimes others follow my example, stripping off themselves. And someone in swimwear could well be a nudist or potential nudist. How many times does someone get dressed to leave the beach or in the evenings.Good points, it is a way for others contemplating to see if there up to it.

I have heard that some clothing optional resorts are nudity mandatory for the pool and surrounding deck.

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RE:clothing optional vs nude

What's the problem? Is there anywhere that is 100% nude? CO offers flexibility. It also allows potential nudists to put a toe in the water before diving in.I'm happy as long as I'm somewhere that I can get naked. I'm often the only nude on a CO beach, or at least the first. I don't care who's looking as long (as they are not offended). Sometimes others follow my example, stripping off themselves. And someone in swimwear could well be a nudist or potential nudist. How many times does someone get dressed to leave the beach or in the evenings.Good points, it is a way for others contemplating to see if there up to it.I have heard that some clothing optional resorts are nudity mandatory for the pool and surrounding deck.

We've been to 6-8 different C/O resorts and all of them ban clothing in the pool and on the pool deck. I'm pretty sure all resorts will require nudity there.

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RE:clothing optional vs nude

For me, option means optional. Likewise, nude-only means nude-only. Just as I don't want the need for clothes imposed on me, neither do I expect to impose nudity on others - that is, unless nudity is mandatory (frequently the case in the use of pools, hot tubs, some resorts, etc.). I have often been to public locations such as beaches and natural hot springs where I was the only naked one there. Likewise, I have hiked many times where I pass clothed hikers. That's all fine with me as long as I am accepted just like anyone else.

It was said by several that any time or place a nudist can be nude and accepted as such is a good thing - I agree. Part of tolerating each other's preferences is to accept textile-dependent people as much as we want them to accept textile-free people. There is, I think, a parallel with the topfree movement. Can't we just all get along?

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RE:clothing optional vs nude

We have visited many CO resorts and were surprised how many people are only nude in the pool and surrounding deck and clothed everywhere else. One evening we went to the dance in the main building and were the only nude couple there.

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RE:clothing optional vs nude

I've been to many nude-tolerant beaches in southern Europe. I'm happy that they accept my nudity even if most of them are clothes or in swimwear. I have particular fun at Christmas. I put on a Santa hat (already having a white beard) and flip flops. I truly enjoy all the textiles photographing this naked Santa.

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RE:clothing optional vs nude

....I have some friends who give nude parties and nude is required. It is because they find that if one person stays clothed, then others start to get self conscious and put clothes on too. Which is sort of dumb, but typical. They have clothed parties too, it's not that they don't value their non-nudist friends.

We have friends who hold parties where all are expected to be nude, it works well as those who might be less confident in a CO setting seem comfortable if everyone is nude. Guests are shown where they can leave their clothes on arrival before they move into the main party rooms so there is nobody there in any clothing. Some may not like rules but if you know its all-nude before you go you can't quibble really. Its never really an issue because its only nudists who get invited to them. Other parties might be CO and then we all know that we can be as we please, so those of us who are nude whenever possible are free to be as we want while those less committed to a nudist lifestyle can stay wrapped up, everyone gets on just fine too. We do go to textile parties, they can be good too, but not as good as nude ones.

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RE:clothing optional vs nude

For me, no matter, I am going to be nude, but I think I understand what you and others are saying, i.e. both sides of the coin. Every resort I have ever been to (about 6), the pool and area are nude mandatory - which makes sense. I "slid" into social nudity at a "CO area (not a resort)" and of course took to it immediately - after years of being a home nudist. Thinking back (if I can recall that far!), it was nice to be somewhere to start at my own speed (which turned out to be full speed ahead, but I didn't know that). Also, at year round resorts in colder climates, you definitely see people in all sorts of dress - I know have certainly been glad to have my warming robe on darting between places in the snow! But, again, once you arrive at the pool it is nude mandatory. I have been to nude mandatory resorts and as I started out in the first line - I am going to be nude anyway regardless of CO or mandatory. Each his own I guess and I support both types of venues.

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