The beach I frequently go to is clothing optional, but the majority are nude and many of the rest are either in g-strings, topless women or in a mixed group of clothed and nude. Very few clothed singles or all clothed groups. Perhaps because it takes a long drive followed by a long walk to get there.
I did visit a resort that was nude mandatory in the pool but clothing optional elsewhere. Most were nude everywhere during mid day but as dinner time approached, more people were clothed even though it was still warm enough to be nude.
Public places like beaches that I visit are always CO, which I think is the best option. Groups that have members who don't want to be nude can still enjoy their companions who do. Works quite well.
My experience with resorts is more an expectation that people will be nude but I do occasionally see clothed people.
I have some nudist friends who host nude parties where nobody wears clothes, the guidelines are clear. They found that once somebody puts clothes on then the more timid nudes will dress, then everyone does. They also host wonderful parties when everyone is dressed. Nice to have clear direction both ways.
Public spaces should always be CO optional because they are public and if they are supported by public dollars it is impractical and not very pragmatic to demand they be clothing free. That would be no different than the situation all genuine naturist work to change which is forcing all beaches to be textile only.
Never quite understood why some feel the best way to get mainstream to adopt our perspective and allow freedom to go without clothes is to adopt restrictions that dont allow people to be free to keep clothes on. Seems counter intuitive. If I am fighting for the freedom to be clothes free at a public beach or anywhere else why would I be worried about gawkers?
If w are talking about a private space that is a totally different issue. I think a naturist resort or camp can demand people be clothes free if that is their policy. That is the practice at Bare Oaks for instance. My home base resort Turtle Lake is clothing optional and does quite well.
What's the problem? Is there anywhere that is 100% nude? CO offers flexibility. It also allows potential nudists to put a toe in the water before diving in.I'm happy as long as I'm somewhere that I can get naked. I'm often the only nude on a CO beach, or at least the first. I don't care who's looking as long (as they are not offended). Sometimes others follow my example, stripping off themselves. And someone in swimwear could well be a nudist or potential nudist. How many times does someone get dressed to leave the beach or in the evenings.Good points, it is a way for others contemplating to see if there up to it.I have heard that some clothing optional resorts are nudity mandatory for the pool and surrounding deck.
I know that at Cypress Cove you can be clothed but have to be nude to use the pools or hot tubs. For me it doesn't bother me that some are clothed. Some don't want so much sun on their skin. The last time I went there it was a little cool and so I Donald Ducked it at times as did a lot of guys. But if I can be fully nude I am.
We have never been to a mandatory nude resort, all have been clothing optional except for in the pool or hot tub. Which doesnt really bother us and doesnt effect our decision to go nude. Actually we have found it to be quite fun going to the evening functions completely nude while others are dressed
I look at a clothing optional beach as just that. I never wear clothes there. I usually walk from my car to the beach in a speedo and as soon as I get to the edge of the sand remove it and stay nude all day. I have no problem with people being clothed and looking around. Sometimes you will see someone in a thong or g string. They may be new to the scene and "easing into it" not being comfortable being totally nude in public yet. As far as I am concerned wear as much or as little as you want.
I think it would be pretty accurate to say at least in the state of California, and that includes Federal forestry in BLM land, that an area is either clothing required or clothing optional. Seems that in California and probably anywhere in the country now there is no such thing as nude required, clearly discriminatory, but, seems to be the way it is. As I posted elsewhere Forestry Department claims they have no laws against simple nudity, that means simply being nude, however any sexual arousing activity touching of genitals are sex acts are definitely illegal in will be prosecuted if observed, but, they then also state in convoluted wording that if someone observes nudity and files a complaint that the nudity then becomes the illegal and can be cited and someone can be arrested, doesn't exactly conform to normal requirements of laws or equal enforcement. I personally don't care what other people want to do as long as they mind their own business and don't try to interfere with what I want to do. I think it's perfectly fine if areas are clothing optional. But, I think that all outdoor areas and beaches should be clothing optional not just a few here and there I also think that Federal Forest land should be entirely clothing optional with no restrictions whatsoever it is Wilderness after all. I also think simple nudity in public pretty much anywhere should be legal it is simply normal human behavior. San Francisco used to be simple nudity legal anywhere within the city, then as soon as they got people used to that concept for this, then the liberal totalitarian said now we're going to change it and tell the nudist they can't be nude anymore just to exert our power over them and show them who is the boss. However in San Francisco special events often allow nudity, for example the World Famous San Francisco Bay to Breakers 12K annual run is a non nudist event but full nudity is allowed during the event from the starting areas through the Finish area and in the finishers area, but to leave the finisher area you must have minimal coverage of genitals and anus.
Each year I run the Bay to Breakers 12 k fully new except for my sun visor glasses shoes and Runners ID bib, then in the finishers area I posed fully nude for photos with the ladies