RE: Nudism vs exibitionism

I have to agree with Canyonhawk but forgive me as I have only been hanging out nude for about 5 years. People seem to be very hung up on nudism and sex and any reference that being a nudist means you enjoy sex. Let me qualify my statement I do not condone any activity that would cause other nudists to feel uncomfortable BUT to suggest that nudists donot engage in sexual activities in private is laughable. To be a nudist and say do not look at me because I am a true nudist is also not normal in my opinion, I find attractive clothed people have a sexual appeal and of course so would nude people, that is not to say you race over and have sex with them. Being an adult and in control means you use common sense and decency. But what really annoys me is this very narrow minded view that anybody who says nature and nudity in anyway sexually arouses them is a perv is just so far from the norm I can not understand it. Just my humble opinion!

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RE: Nudism vs exibitionism

To me nudism is the love of not wearing clothes.When I go to a nudist resort I am going because of my love of being nude,and not because I am trying to shock somebody.I go to a nudist venue because I want to be around people that love being nude in the great outdoors as much as I do.

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RE: Nudism vs exibitionism

I want to be nude when I'm around other nudists.In no way this is exibitionism.Being nude shows others that we think alike and are comfortable without clothing. I am uncorfortable wearing anything in a nudists setting, feeling that the wearing of clothing will have other nudists thinking that I am an outsider and not one with them.I have observed those that wore some clothing at a nudist venue and they are the exibitionists.

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RE: Nudism vs exibitionism

Exibitionism can carry many different degrees. If someone wears a very loud tshirt, they are wanting to be seen, to be noticed. ....
Very well observed. Exhibitionism as a behavioural trait is not restricted to the narrow field of human sexuality. The wearer of 'startling' coloured clothing, the owner of the automobile with the loud exhaust system and/or multi toned air horns, the loudly outspoken man/woman at the barbeque, the person who waves their clipboard organising at the church social, the person who decks their house out with 50kilowatts of lights at festive occasions ... these are all examples of exhibitionist behaviour which are not in themselves sexual per se - although may possibly suggest other issues such as a Narcissistic Personality, given that exhibitionistic behavours are most often sources of narcissistic supply for that personality type.

Kind regards
Rudie x

This is so well put. I love to be naked outdoors for the pleasure I feel being exposed and nude in nature. While I like to share nude time with friends, I do not at all enjoy being looked at naked. I don't mind exposing my body to friends but if textiled people show up I am very conscious of my nudity and can't separate from my naked presence and the impact it imposes on their experience. Naked people who enjoy nudity for the impact and reaction it arouses whether for shock value, social control or for sexual gratification are doing it for exhibitionism rather than nudism. I think stripping or being nude for the feeling of being nude and exposed is ok. Doing it to arouse other people's reaction is not ok. I think an exception to this is when someone either individually or in a group intentionally bares the naked body to express their point of view such as in protest or to make a point of nudism. That's where this site is such a great place. Seeing people playing naked sports, sharing naked photos, making connections to skype naked; these are all positive expressions of nudity. If people get voyeuristic pleasure from looking at our nudity it has nothing to do with exhibitionism. Whether it is nudism or exhibitionism lies in the naked person's intention.

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RE: Nudism vs exibitionism

I guess it depends on your self image as well. I don't imagine that when I'm naked I'm "turning anyone on". I just like to be naked and find fellowship among fellow nudists. Being naked itself is not arousing. Unless, as Irish Model says, you determine it to be so.

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RE: Nudism vs exibitionism

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RE: Nudism vs exibitionism

This is so well put. I love to be naked outdoors for the pleasure I feel being exposed and nude in nature. While I like to share nude time with friends, I do not at all enjoy being looked at naked. I don't mind exposing my body to friends but if textiled people show up I am very conscious of my nudity and can't separate from my naked presence and the impact it imposes on their experience. Naked people who enjoy nudity for the impact and reaction it arouses whether for shock value, social control or for sexual gratification are doing it for exhibitionism rather than nudism. I think stripping or being nude for the feeling of being nude and exposed is ok. Doing it to arouse other people's reaction is not ok. I think an exception to this is when someone either individually or in a group intentionally bares the naked body to express their point of view such as in protest or to make a point of nudism. That's where this site is such a great place. Seeing people playing naked sports, sharing naked photos, making connections to skype naked; these are all positive expressions of nudity. If people get voyeuristic pleasure from looking at our nudity it has nothing to do with exhibitionism. Whether it is nudism or exhibitionism lies in the naked person's intention.Yes this what I think also.
To me the difference is if I walk on the hills naked I am more likely to be a naturist, but if I do the same in a town I am more of a exhibitionist as there will be many more people to see my naked body against the hills where there will be only few about if any to see it.

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RE: Nudism vs exibitionism

I feel that nudism,is the enjoyment of being nude,whether you are alone or with others.For me it is a way to truly relax and feel free of society's critical eyes.I am not trying to show off my body,I am enjoying being nude with others who feel the same as I do.

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RE: Nudism vs exibitionism

For me I would sayNudism is about the feeling of being nude. While exibitionism is about the feeling or rush of being seen nude. I am proud of my body and and comfortable in my bare skin, so in most cases don't mind displaying it in certain settings but when alone I am nude 90% of the time so it's more about the feeling than anything.

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