RE:Why are you a nudist? What do you get out of this?

After reading all the responses, I felt compelled to add my 2 cents worth. I couldnt agree more with the comment of sharing being a nudist with my wife. But something I didnt see, and I could have missed it, was the self confidence Ive gained, has actually helped me loose weight. Not being concerned about how everyone else sees me, has helped me to hate myself for bad eating decisions am love myself more. Ive stopped beating myself up, and work out more and am eating better. My wife has noticed the same thing as well. Its just another thing that we get to share and grow together with instead of growing apart. Also, I Love my wife, and seeing her natural/naked is part of her beauty. With our work schedules, I maybe get 20 minutes a week day of naked time with her. And I am not talking in a sexual or divinat way, just looking at another person you love, with nothing hiding how beautiful they are. Being a nudist with my wife helps us to be more open and gives us another platform on which to build our life together. (Ill now be surrendering my man card! LOL)

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RE:Why are you a nudist? What do you get out of this?

We Agree 100%

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RE:Why are you a nudist? What do you get out of this?

Way to go cactus couple!!,

you also chimed in with others who have said, being naked with our wives more, just adds greater enjoyment and togetherness in our marriage.

as some have hinted at, and I will say outright, we are making love more often, as a side benefit.
and, as many have said, nudity is not sexual, it is a state of mine. but it does ad spice to life and marriage too.

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RE:Why are you a nudist? What do you get out of this?

hey, andy, you nude driver you. . . .have you ever been stopped by the CHP/PD for a traffic violation - while nude?that might make a good story.dan

Because of my profession, I've spoken to CHP officers, local PD officers, Sheriff Deputies ... most law enforcement agencies I've dealt with in my 32 years as a firefighter. NOT a one told me it was illegal to drive naked but if I was doing something lewd, that was illegal. I asked if someone saw me just driving naked, would they respond. EVERY cop I talked to said, "we've got better things to do than respond to someone simply driving naked."

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RE:Why are you a nudist? What do you get out of this?

As for me, being a Christian. I think i am drawn to nudist behavior out of wondering what life would have really be like if Adam & Eve obeyed God and didn't bite the apple. Would we all be living life as wr know it now, only to use clothing only as a tool as we need to in some professions. Like firefighters. I do think many people are way too prudish and need to grow up some. If we can look at every animal without clothes. And we all see dogs ant cats doing everything naked including peeing and pooping. Humping and sleeping, sometimes even many times in a big group together. We don't automatically think they are having orgies. And dogs even stick their noses in butts and smell them.

Over the last few years exploring nudity i have enjoyed the excapement for the daily norms of life. In stressful times when i have time to strip down, or even look at so many other nudists in pictures having fun moments without clothes. It kindof like a mini ME vacation.

My biggest hangup with thinking of everyone being naked all the time, is seeing others hygen habits. I currently work with some very big fat slobs. That would make me cringe to be naked with. I have noticed people that don't shower or bathe so often and you look down at their feet and you can see the dark in between their toes.

I have often thought it would be great if there would be nude Churcjes, plane flights, and restaurants. But, the first thing I would require everyone to do is run through a shower before, worshiping, flying, or eating.

Sorry for rambling on.

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RE:Why are you a nudist? What do you get out of this?

I saw a bumper sticker yesterday:

God intended us to be naked and vegans.

I can't say I agree - but I did laugh :))

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RE:Why are you a nudist? What do you get out of this?

I'm a firm believer that couples can and should disagree at times.
And when they need to have an argument, they should do it nude while holding both hands.

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RE:Why are you a nudist? What do you get out of this?

Good advice Dan!
And I'm not giving up my grilled ribeyes either!

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RE:Why are you a nudist? What do you get out of this?

I don't know that there is an actual list that I could convey. Perhaps the scope of my mind is too limited to come up with enough reasons, but for me the answer would be:

1. Freedom
Freedom from societal stereotypes. Freedom from the confines of clothing. Freedom to feel the air and sun on my body.

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RE:Why are you a nudist? What do you get out of this?

Why am I a nudist ? I started with my father he was in the Military and loved his nude beaches but mom didn't lol so when we was stationed with him I was asked (told) lol to go with him . then you asked what do I get out of it ? I get to remember the fond memory's of the friends I made and the Bonding memory's with my father .

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