What is a large penis?

Lpsg, by definition assumes a large penis. But what constitutes a large penis. Is it length when flaccid? If so how long does a flaccid cock have to be, to be consisted large? Or, is it length when erect? Is so again how long does an erect cock have to be to qualify as large?
Or, is large defined by the girth of the flaccid cock, or should that be the erect cock? If so, how big does the girth of a cock have to be to be considered large?
What are your thoughts about what defines a large cock.

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RE:What is a large penis?

My understanding is that the size of a penis is determined when it is erect, as a guy wrote above (lucky for me I'm a major grower, so don't dare consider its size when flaccid). I also understand that the average penis is 6" erect so I would put any penis 7" or larger in the large category. And to go further, I'd consider one 8" or larger as extra large. Just my opinion, of course.

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RE:What is a large penis?

There have been a large number of academic studies of penis size. and they show a general consensus on the distribution of the three primary measurements - flaccid length erect length and maximum circumference. My pinion is that any penis which is in the upper quartile of these three measurements should be considered large as should any penis in the top decile of any one measurement together with penises which are in the top quarile to decile range of any two measurements.
At present I can't be bothered to look up the exact figures for these but in practice we all know what a large penis looks like. What many of us can't tell is whether our own is large until people start pointing it out because we always see it foreshortened.

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RE:What is a large penis?

Should the measurement of a flaccid penis be taken as it hangs naturally or held straight out from the body?

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RE:What is a large penis?

Should the measurement of a flaccid penis be taken as it hangs naturally or held straight out from the body?
It needs to rest level on your open hand against a ruler held into your pelvic bone.

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RE:What is a large penis?

It doesn't really matter to me since I don't have one but i would think it would be when erect. A lot of growers can be pretty small/short when flaccid but quite large when erect.

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RE:What is a large penis?

Very interesting topic. Especially to see what others define as 'large.' I think as men we are all rather proud/aware of our cocks - so we often judge size by what we know/have - if we see a smaller one we say ours is large, likewise question our size when we see someone larger. The average penis is no more than 6 inches erect, so I've always gone by this standard (erect size) and even though mine is definitely on the larger end when erect, it doesn't always hang as impressively as I'd like which has, on occasion, made people say they don't think I have a large cock. And, of course, adds to some self-doubt about my size in general.

So, if we are fat/girthy we say we're 'large.' If we hang longer flaccid but are more a shower than a grower, we still say 'large.' Personally, I'm fascinated by what is larger and have known some considerably hung mates which has sparked a lot of debate with friends about this. Especially the confidence that comes from our perception of our own size...

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RE:What is a large penis?

Great reply and very true

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RE:What is a large penis?

i love large penis but i think u men care to much about it, u should be proud of your cock doesnt matter the size, i can say if i only have focused in size i'd have lost a lot of great experiences.

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RE:What is a large penis?

I've had varied input. Some think it's fine some think it's big. Whatever I'm happy with my cock both hard and soft

Same here - I'm totally happy with mine, but what is more important - so is my wife.

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RE:What is a large penis?

When a guy is standing and the tip of his penis reaches or surpasses the bottom of his balls, you are witnessing a large penis

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