Some TN members who participated in a World Naked Bike were kind enough to post their experience.
You can read their posts in the World Naked Bike Ride group or here in this thread.
If you participated in a WNBR event and want to post your experience, you may post them here.
I am not sure what naked bike ride you are referring to but I went to the world naked bike ride in Las Vegas and it was not fully nude. It was a great experience and I was nude partial cuz I had to have a stuffed animal on my crotch for a while longer and was like a good time to be able to be nude in my life.
Don't count on bare as you dare in so called "sin city" that doesn't allow you to be nude in your ride with a little bit of a challenge. You must wear a animal on your own crotch if it is very important that you are covered in full with a little hidden area of your other parts that are forbidden to be seen naked.