General Camping Area but can still be nude

Hi All, looking for a general camping area that I can still be nude in. Want to introduce my son to camping but not take him to a nudist camp ground. Any suggestions in the NJ and surrounding areas would be appreciated. Thanks!!

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RE:General Camping Area but can still be nude

Your best bet would be backpack or trail camping on federal lands where you might have some privacy and wouldnt run afoul of local or state laws. But do your research well to be sure.

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RE:General Camping Area but can still be nude

What he said.

I routinely camp naked in the nearest National Forest from here, and in Everglades National Park. There are other state lands nearby, some wildlife management areas, and some water management district lands. Each of these are secluded enough that I have never had a problem.

Though I should add that I only go to the Everglades National Park in the off-season (Summer). 99% of the Everglades backcountry campers go in the Winter time.

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