
Anyone else like watching your foreskin flop around when walking around in the nude ?

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I don't know as I've never enquired of them.

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Have understood that concept either, must admit!

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Meant to read... Have never understood that concept...

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I was wondering about the relative length of his foreskin and the fleshy part of his penis if the foreskin flaps around by itself.
My foreskin is generous enough to squeeze a couple of wine corks to nestle inside it but it hasn't enough length to move independent of the rest of my penis.

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I don't know as I've never enquired of them.


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Mine isn't very long so certainly doesn't *flap about*

What I have found though is that if I pull it back before peeing I can pee in a straight line, but then letting it return means I end up dribbling.

Because of this I tend to keep it pulled back. When I first started it would return on it's own, but these days it behaves and stays put.

Still nobody staring tho :)

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Mine is quite tight and naturally is rolled back. I think people assume I'm circumcised. I would like longer foreskin and have tried streatching it by putting a couple of fingers in and rolling it up... but corks! That sounds painful John! How did you come about to try that?
I sometimes wonder, myself.

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My foreskin covers my penis head whether it's soft or hard and fully retracts in both states.

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It is possible to stretch the foreskin. I was cut as a child and I stretched (or restored) my foreskin. Most people who see me naked think I'm uncut. While it's not quite a "wind-sock" it does like hanging in the breeze! Here's a couple pics of my new foreskin.

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Ice2468 not cut, I can move back and forth no problem. Find it easierto jerk off

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