RE:World Naked Gardening Day

I often garden naked when it's warm enough. But I won't be doing it on Saturday. I'll be away on a nude holiday.

That doesnt mean that you cannot be nude in the garden

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RE:World Naked Gardening Day

I'm planning on it. The boys are visiting their sis in seattle which means their girlfriends won't be here (one lives with us).
Have a pretty private back yard. Only the horses next door will see me. Of course my wife will be here but won't be participating in the nude part. Am building two planter boxes for her.

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RE:World Naked Gardening Day

I will be out most of Saturday and it looks like been on the cold side as well so hopefully be doing nude gardening on Sunday and most likely Monday as this is a bank holiday as both of these days are meant to be warmer and sunny.

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RE:World Naked Gardening Day

I will be train driving on Saturday, but I'm hoping to get some garden time on Sunday and Monday to make up for it. We have company for 2 weeks after that so I'll have to make the most of the two days I do have

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RE:World Naked Gardening Day

A beautiful day here in Sydney for World Nude Gardening Day. Pruning & watering is all I have to do while soaking up the sun.

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RE:World Naked Gardening Day

Yesterday was a perfect 72 degrees and sunny - probably the nicest WNGD that I can remember. My wife and I were able to spend the whole day working outside in the garden naked. We planted lettuce, spinach, broccoli, cabbage and some herbs. Forecast is for cool and rainy today so I'm glad we got our work done then.

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RE:World Naked Gardening Day

I didn't get to garden nude yesterday because I was busy putting up my seasonal privacy fence and buying fertilizer. That is so I can garden nude all summer. Was hoping to start my day today with some nude yoga on the patio, but it is only 49 degrees at the moment. Patience, patience.

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RE:World Naked Gardening Day

Well it was a lot warmer than they forecast so managed to get some done in the morning before I left home and got back early so managed to do some more nude gardening in the evening as well.

Been a good weekend for nude gardening and looks like it will be the last for the next couple of weeks.

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