Whats cooking tonight

Cooking up some Aloo Tamatar Masala tonight. Mildly spicy and very easy to prepare.
3 small potatoes
3 Tbsp butter
1 onion
1 Tbsp fresh ginger grated
2 cloves garlic
2 green chillies
1 large tomotoe
1/2 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp tumeric
1/2 tsp ground coriander 1/2 tsp fennel seed
1/2 tsp garam masala
1 tsp ground cumin
salt to taste ans a few sprigs of coriander.
I served this with coconut rice.

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RE:Whats cooking tonight

Cooking a chicken and shrimp paella tonight. Super easy when you get the hang of it. I use a 17" paella pan but a regular 10 or 12" pan works as well ,just use less rice. If anyone is interested I will write out the recipe.

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RE:Whats cooking tonight

Tonight I'm making a spanikopita filling to go in a yeasted pastry dough. Tart dough is good but has a lot of fat in it. The yeasted dough is great because there is no fat- just flour, water,yeast ,salt and one egg.

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RE:Whats cooking tonight

This afternoon I am making a few sweet bread rings called ka'kat. A Eastern Mediterranian bread with a spice called maleb- the ground up kernals of a black cherry that grows in the Eastern Mediterranian. Should be yummy!

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RE:Whats cooking tonight

Mulberry time! Tonight I am making Breakfast muffins with fresh mulberries from a mulberry tree that came up in the back of my garden a few years ago. It is loaded even though it is a fairly young tree.

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RE:Whats cooking tonight

Tonight I baked a asiago cheese bread. This is a really tasty bread. I bake a loaf about twice a month. I use Jim Lahey's recipe in his book My Bread. All the breads are no knead so you mix them up in the evening or whatever your timeline is and you bake it 12 to 18 hours later in a covered pot. I have never had a failure with any of the recipes and the timeline is very forgiving. Try it out! for the basic no knead recipe check out Mark Bittman's 2006 New York Times article on Lahey .

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RE:Whats cooking tonight

Tonight I have a big pan full of Arroz al Horno. Looking forward to eating it!

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RE:Whats cooking tonight

Tonight fresh pasta on the menu. So simple and delicious!

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