I got busted earlier this morning around 2am. I went out front for some fresh air and got the urge to walk around naked. When I came back I found my wife outside looking for me with my shorts in her hand. She's not into nudism at all. That was a difficult explanation. Funny, now though.
Yep today, I was just finishing cleanup from de-thatching when I heard "Jesus Christ Gordy put some cloths on" It was a neighbor, he went back to the front of the house and waited for me. He needs me to fix his manure spreader, at least he already has it power washed ;-)
I have several times. I lived in a secluded wooded area back from the road a bit. I was prone to be outside regularly in the buff.
I was sunning on a chaise in the side yard and dozing off when I heard "I'll just put the package by the door" from the UPS driver on my front deck, while looking in my direction. This same fellow 'caught' me several times over the years and it became routine for him to leave the delivery without a signature.
The most memorable time, however was when I again was sunning the front side of my body on the same chaise in the back yard and reading a skin mag, when I felt that someone was looking at me. I looked up and there was my closest neighbor standing not 8 feet away from me and holding her dogs leash. Now this neighbor lived a good 1/2 mile around the hill from me with heavy woods between us. (She was a knockout looker, by the way!) She said that her dog had slipped his leash while they were walking the woods. Maybe she was true or then .... because she had the dog and leash in her hand at the time. Anyway, what could I do but startup a casual conversation like nothing was out of the ordinary.
Curiously, that summer she would be in my yard having conversations with me multiple times and each time she would be a little more less clothed than the time before but never naked. I eventually did ask her to remove her clothes and join me after we had discussed naturism a couple of times by that point. She removed her tube top but never went any further and started to forget her dog.
Over the following winter, she and her husband had separated and she had moved to the college town where she was the college administrator's assistant.
We had friends that were fully aware of my nudism and would drop by for this or that and sometimes would join me in the pleasures that my secluded building site offered, for an hour or two.
About a year ago, I was on the rider lawn mower, mowing the lawn at my property (I wasn't living there yet)nude as I always do. I had just made a pass facing the woods, and turned the mower around for the return pass and found my dad sitting there on the quad with a gas can in front of me. I just stared at him dumbfounded. I backed the throttle down on the mower so I could hear, and my dad came over, looked between my legs, looked at me, and said, "I used the mower yesterday and never filled it back up." He pointed between my legs at the gas sight glass, went to the back and emptied the can, turned around and left.
I was sitting in my BY completely naked, browsing instagram when my gadner popped in through the BY gate about 15ft from where im sitting....
He saw me, laughted and I went put shorts on and came back out. Had a conversation about this and that, and he left....
Next time, I'll stay as I am....
Just last week I got caught. There is a secluded stream I like to skinny dip in. I never see anyone there. I was enjoying the relaxing freedom of being nude in the glorious sun when I heard voices. I quickly stepped behind some bushes and wrapped a towel around myself. It was two kayaker's coming downstream. They commented that they didn't think anyone skinnydipped there any more. They weren't fazed and continued on. One of them got hung up on a rock and was trying to free himself. I said I could help but he might get embarrassed. He said he would appreciate the help so I dropped the towel and waded out totally naked to help him off the rocks. I was OK with it and he seemed to be too.
Yes many times over the years ... in my yard. (My property was secluded in the woods with a 1/4 mile driveway to the yards.) The first was the UPS driver needing a signature, then there was the people who hiked in the woods around me and would leave the trail and end up at my secluded place a 1/4 mile away from the trails.
There was a neighbor (lived a half mile away) who was walking her dog in the woods and he was running loose at the time. The dog came into the yard and I was sunning on the chaise reading a skin mag at the time. She came right into the yard after the dog not knowing that it was not just a clearing. There I was, full staff on my back and she stopped abruptly but kept looking. I ignored her but kept an eye on her looking for any trouble that might happen, when she got a smile and came over to chat. We chatted for about twenty minutes and then she and her dog just left as they had come in.
The best one is however more interesting. Our town had a terrific fourth of July day with fireworks after at dusk. That year they had featured a helicopter ride that would fly around the area as the patrons wanted to see. One time it came directly overhead and I was again sunning in the back yard and my wife had just gone in to the house. I didn't know about the rides in the village, so I ignored it as if it were just another flight that was slightly off course. Well, in about another 30 minutes, it flew over again. This happened for the next 4 hours! My thought as that the pilot was asking everyone if they wanted to see a naked man.
I was worried about any legal ramifications, especially if there were kids on the flight, so after the third flight, I went inside and put on a pair of light tan speedos then went back out.
There was also the time that the cable company van came up to upgrade the wiring ... unannounced. He was nervous but I stayed nude and watched him do his thing..
Well, in about another 30 minutes, it flew over again. This happened for the next 4 hours! My thought as that the pilot was asking everyone if they wanted to see a naked man.
Which seems to prove that we Americans are not as hung up with nudity as we pretend to be.
I've been caught several times mostly by my best friend who has had no comment, but I do dress on those occasions.
I was stretched out on my lounger, enjoying the early spring sun. Well, around the corner into my back yard comes the owner of the farm behind me. He is a city guy and no idea that you just dont come barging into a private home space. I just raised up, was on by belly, and answered him. That was when he realized I was nude. Stuttered a bit but, to his credit, went on about what he had come by for. I offered to come around to the front and sit a while, I had my towel, but he declined. No explanation, my back yard, none needed. To his credit again, I dont think he expected any explanation. It was a beautiful day, and we both continued on without an issue. He has not ventured up my drive( 1/4 mile) again. I dont think he was offended, but not real concerned, he breached my domain uninvited. Several years ago, and I have heard nothing negative. Just go on about what you were doing, nothing to see here.