Let me count the ways.
My rural home allows me to be fairly carefree about my nude lifestyle. I go about nude most all the time.
Once while in the kitchen and 2 rooms away from any covering I heard a knock on the full length glass doorI had to streak by it to get some pants on to answer it. It was 2 women collecting signatures for a school funds issue onthe ballot. They were thrilled I signed and did not mention my lack of clothes
Another time while in my winter nude , an open shirt, I was tearing out drywall in the back of my kitchen.I opened the door to toss out a section. If the female JW had been 3 steps closer she would have beenhit in the chest by flying drywall. I think the flying drywall distracted her enough that she did notmention my lack of clothes when i came back to the door with pants on
while hiking early one balmy spring morn up the farmer's lane i have hiked the 2 miles nude many a timein the predawn starlight, on the return trip I passed 2 camo clad hunters coming down the lane. We passedwithin feet of each other. I am sure they could tell i was bare ass since i could tell they weren'tTurns out it was the first day of Spring wild turkey season. I now pay attention to spring hunting dates and not just fall ones
The guy from the electric company came to read the meter just as I was getting out of the hot tub. nude and wet.he was startled and asked if it was laundry day. But then stood there and chatted with me.
those are the ones I remember off the top of my head.
I am sure there are others.
- 10 years ago
Just visited close friends in CO and WA that are also nudists. They both live on acreage and can be naked on their entire property. We were in WA visiting that couple and they had a yard project they were working on. I helped him out and we did the yard project naked the entire time. I was standing next to the wheel barrow and a car drove by and slowed down considerably. I'm sure they looked up and saw me. I figured I better alert my friends. I told them what I saw, they described the car and then said ... "ah, that's our neighbor down the road. They know, you just don't look like one of us so that's why he slowed to see who else was walking around naked on our property!"
Along with that incident, we also see their neighbor who frequently walks out to his chicken coop about 100 yards from his house and adjacent to our friends property. This neighbor sees our friends naked all the time so he's used to seeing nudity. We've visited so many times but each time we've seen him, we've been clothed or in robes. This time, I was out there just walking the property and I saw him, he saw me and he just smiled and waved. Later we met at the fence and I was properly introduced. I said, "sorry if you weren't expecting to see me naked out here in the yard," He replied ... "it's common to see them and all of you nudists friends that visit. I just worry about my wife seeing you all and having an issue with it." We were aware and we try and be cautious to make sure she's not out and about which is very rare.
- 10 years ago
I have 3 times by the police. (a.)Two times in college, once in the weight room, other time in a parking lot. (b.)Once in the restroom at a mall. Some woman came in the mens restroom with her 10 y.o. boy and I stood at the sink with my manhood out and she called mall security which called the police which got me arrested. ARRESTED for being in the mens restroom, now that is a good one. She was the one in the wrong restroom. But because I had a previous record they knew they could make it stick. My life sucks quite frankly. Fine was like $600.00 plus a year reporting to probation officer which was about 35 mile drive each way...... Yep I have no respect for police what so ever. This is 3 times for those who have a poor reading aptitude.
- 10 years ago
I have 3 times by the police. Two times in college, once in the weight room, other time in a parking lot. Once in the restroom at a mall..
By my count, that is FOUR times, not THREE. And you claim to have gone to college and still can't count? Now the mall incident makes FIVE. Maybe you should see about getting a refund from the college for some of your tuition.
- 10 years ago
Oh yes there was also the time I was asked not to come back in a big Dept. Store. I had on nylon running pants (loose fit) and they was somewhat see through but not real see through you could tell if I had under wear on or not from behind. 2 _itches complained to the store manager he called the police and they said that I tried to take the ladies purse, (which I guarantee I had more money than both of them put together). Police told me I was not allowed back in the store.... Well guess what, this Big Dept. Store (the whole chain) is now going out of business. Guess who is getting the last laugh. Would love to go in they particular store one last time before it closes and ask if they would like to tell more people not to shop there. For stupid reasons. Sears and K-mart
- 10 years ago
I have 3 times by the police. Two times in college, once in the weight room, other time in a parking lot. Once in the restroom at a mall..
By my count, that is FOUR times, not THREE. And you claim to have gone to college and still can't count? Now the mall incident makes FIVE. Maybe you should see about getting a refund from the college for some of your tuition.
wow I guess you can't read. But at least my figures are right........
- 10 years ago
I haven't actually been caught, but there was a near miss. I enjoy working out nude. We have an extra room where we keep the treadmill, and weights. I usually keep the door locked, but this one time i forgot. Well...i heard someone coming into the room and quickly grabbed my gym shorts and pulled them on. Thankfully, they were looking down the hall at one of the dogs and had her back to me. It was a very close one.
- 10 years ago
OK! Next Exhibidiot.
- 10 years ago
I haven't actually been caught, but there was a near miss. I enjoy working out nude. We have an extra room where we keep the treadmill, and weights. I usually keep the door locked, but this one time i forgot. Well...i heard someone coming into the room and quickly grabbed my gym shorts and pulled them on. Thankfully, they were looking down the hall at one of the dogs and had her back to me. It was a very close one.
Why would you quickly grab your shorts,is it not your home ?
- 10 years ago
your police one reminded me of my near miss with a sheriff deputy. When I get up the first thing I do is streak outto put my dog on her run. Sideyard in view of the road, but rural and very lightly traveled.Just as I got ready to open the side door, I looked out to see a car lights in the predawn darkness.So before slipping out I put some shorts on. It was a deputy with a paper in his hand. He asked me if I knew so and so. The name did not ring a bell, but I took the paper from his hand which hadan address on it. The address I did recognize being the one of the next house south ( 1/4 mile) unmarkedon the mailbox. It was a summons. He thanked me and left. If he had come 15 secs later, his head lightswould have lit up my naked ass with his headlights as he turned in my driveway. Not sure how he or I wouldhave reacted, hardly public indecency since I was in my own yard and would only have been seen by car lightsturning in the driveway and not by anyone just driving by. Looking back I wish he had 'busted me"
- 10 years ago