New to true nudist and India

Hey friends, Nice to see people like me. I mean we are like minded. I very much like to roam nude indoor.
In India you cant even step outside your door of being nude. I am completely fed up of this and I want to make my nude world indoor only.
Love you all. Happy to see you friends.

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RE:New to true nudist and India

It would be nice to live in a place where it would be legal and in fact almost expected that you could walk nude around your home and even you neighborhood whenever it was possible (maybe not during a snow-storm). But reality is that most of us do not live in such a place; having to limit ourselves to indoors nudity is a pain that we must put up with until we can go to a nude-friendly beach or resort to enjoy our nude selves. We can all feel your pain about not being able to walk nude out your door - do the best you can with your situation. If that limits you to only inside your home, then at least enjoy that. Welcome to our group.

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RE:New to true nudist and India

Nice hear from you.
Thank you so much for welcoming me. You are right, it is really pain to limit ourselves to indoor nudity only. It is good to have a group like this where atleast we can have indoor nude world with members.

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