RE:What goes first?

New to the group;I tend to take my shoes off right when I get in the house, socks are last just to keep my feet clean. Other than that shirt off, then pants and underwear.I stay in the buff as much as I can, so I might get dressed a few times in the day if I need to run out.But going the other way, to get dressed I put my undershirt and socks, then shave or brush my hair or teeth. Then put my shirt on, probably delay a little longer until just ready to head out then put my underwear and pants on. I posted a pic to the group before respondingWhy out an undershirt on to shave? Wouldn't it be easier to do it bare chested and not worry about the possibility of getting your undershirt wet?

I concur...why?

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RE:What goes first?

I like yourself work outdoors for a living and yes a lot of the time, you do tend to get a little dirty. So like many others, I get home and strip off.I've never really thought about it, to me it's just second nature, but I always take off my boots and sometimes socks when I enter my home, then get to the bathroom and disprove from the top down. I just took it for granted that all males did and females strip the same from top to bottom, don't they? Then again, there will always be at least one that will be different lol

Do you ever remove the shirt before you get home?
What, if anything do you put on after you get your work clothes off?

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RE:What goes first?

Usually pants or shorts are removed first. That gives me the bigger comfort gain. Also, if wearing a tucked in shirt, it is easier than pulling it out to remove it.

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RE:What goes first?

Usually pants or shorts are removed first. That gives me the bigger comfort gain. Also, if wearing a tucked in shirt, it is easier than pulling it out to remove it.

I actually find shirts more uncomfortable than shorts.
Besides, you can often remove a shirt before you get home.

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RE:What goes first?

My shoes come off as I come in the door. Then it's my jumper, next my pants, next my T shirt and finally my socks making me completely naked (no underwear). There is a reason for taking off my jumper and T shirt separately - my nipples are sensitive, being pierced.

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RE:What goes first?

Shoes or sandals first, then pants, shirt and underwear (if I am wearing any). Basically the reverse of dressing. I wear tucked in shirts most often, so it is easier that way.

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RE:What goes first?

After return toilet .................. without cloth .............. then freedom long

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RE:What goes first?

For me, it depends on whether I'm wearing pants or a kilt.

If kilted:
1. Hat
2. Kilt
3. Shirt (if I'm wearing one)

If pants:
1. Hat
2. Shirt (if I'm wearing one)
3. Pants

Jacket or sweater is removed second in the Winter. The reason for the reversal when kilted is that if I'm wearing a shirt, it is tucked in. I rarely wear a shirt tucked into pants or shorts.

I never remove shoes, socks or underwear. I don't wear them.

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