Skinny Dipping

I love to go skinny dipping anywhere I can.

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RE:Skinny Dipping

So do I but not many placrs where I can. I did reach 2 milestone last summer. I have more time in my pool without a suit than with one. I only went to the. nude beach.

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RE:Skinny Dipping

I love to go skinny dipping anywhere I can.

I live skinny dipping at moon light. I like the feel if water on my body.

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RE:Skinny Dipping

I agree with you there.

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RE:Skinny Dipping

Now that our grandson has gone home and our son and his most recent girlfriend, I will be skinny dipping in our pool most of the time for the rest of the summer.
Now all we need is for it to stop raining long enough to get in the pool.

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RE:Skinny Dipping

Planning to swim nude today but weather did not cooperate.
Just stayed nude in the house instead!

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RE:Skinny Dipping

When planning a backpacking trip, the chances of a good skinny dipping pool is a big played. I love to hike and camp around rivers.

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RE:Skinny Dipping

Planning to swim nude today but weather did not cooperate.Just stayed nude in the house instead!

Neighbors were having their roof replaced today so I saved my nude swimming until late afternoon when the
roofers left.
Privacy fence shields the pool from the house, but not the top of the roof.

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RE:Skinny Dipping

Planning to swim nude today but weather did not cooperate.Just stayed nude in the house instead!Neighbors were having their roof replaced today so I saved my nude swimming until late afternoon when theroofers left.Privacy fence shields the pool from the house, but not the top of the roof.

Did get to swim naked again today. Too man commitments Sunday.

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RE:Skinny Dipping

Pool wass closed for the season yesterday.
No more nude swimming until next year unless I take a trip to the beach.

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