- 14 years ago
they paid so they would be able to see unlimited photos.
That's not the reason why most of those who support TN with monthly or yearly donations are doing so. We offer our financial aid to TT1 to assist him in the expenses of maintaining the site, which are considerable for one this size. The added "benefit" of viewing a member's full album is a distant second in priority, if it matters at all.
Re the cams, since I don't use chat, period, the outage affects me not an iota. However, for those who enjoy seeing the folks at the other end of the wire/cable/fiber, cams are a good thing as long as the operators are abiding by the rules that they agree to when they log in. When they don't, the Mod Hammer strikes.
Very true about the paid membership NIMA, I know a lot of the good longstanding members here were donors here when the only benifit was the satisfaction of helping keep a site available they felt was worhwhile.
I like the cams in chat, most people use them as intended, to see the person they are talking too. I like seeing someone almost fall out of chair laughing at joke I told. LOL
- 14 years ago
This forum is mentioning weirdo's etc..
Let's stop all the nonsense in how we are going to get the weirdos....blablabla... Don't you think the fact that we have moderators and regulations to obey should be enough..... What is the defenition of a weirdo anyway, I am sure that on that topic opinions differ and where are we going to if we are focusing on being a tn-police-force..... that is checking on peoples behaviours... Hey, come on we are talking about chatting and if people want to be perverted then they can go private, who cares.... As long as there are moderators and regulations that should be sufficient... Are we trying to create a perfect world here..... is everybody that is a nudist a saint and a-sexual...., because that is what it boils down to....; people that want to be perverted.... Well, those people we deal with all the time in life, not only on tn and being too pre-occupied with this takes the attractivity away from sites like tn... I have been approached in chat by people who asked sexual or inappropriate things and as soon as I said I wasn't there for that reason I got an apology and even a nice chat... so, my point is: we are all sexual beings who might get aroused by what we see and again let's not play saints..., but we can talk about it like adults and if people really don't get the point, we can report them and I guess that is what happens occasionally... To my opinion what tn did with moderators and it's regulations is suffient.. We are here to connect with nudists on a global level in hopefully a harmonious and pleasant way, not to teach people behaviour on rules and regulations.....
- 14 years ago
- 14 years ago
Hey Steve....I heard you broke the thingy that works the cam in the chat room....
- 14 years ago
What is a weirdo? Is it a person who writes on the forum about pervs in the chat room, and then goes on to the room, and is abusive to m and f members. So much hyprocacy on this site at present
- 14 years ago
Hey Steve....I heard you broke the thingy that works the cam in the chat room....
LOL!..Actually mick, we think it was 4everbare..She was on cam with a bad cold...and the next thing you know the cams stopped. She spread that cold right through 123flashchat's entire system. The cams are all just tucked into bed w/kleenex and hot toddy's trying to recover.
p.s. This message was posted with 4ever's permission
- 14 years ago