Anything Interesting ????
Hi frends....I am just thinking if there are any newly nudist frends who has some interesting n exciting experience they had when they started as nudist ??????
Nudism is about de-stressing, relaxing, and getting back to innocence; being free from constricting clothing; enjoying the wind, sea on your skin. Exciting would be all the different nudist venues I've visited: most are very laid back, others always have a tennis game or volleyball game going on.
Whew, just about anything we did before clothed was a new and exciting experience nude. We walked out of our room at the Terra Cotta for the first time nekkid around others and both thought, "Wow, this is unbelievable!" We'd go to the beach and feel the salt air on our entire body. When we started to camp out at Mystic Oaks and would roll out of bed naked not worrying about putting on something when we stepped out of the tent. Playing tennis nude with each other, swimming, water volleyball in mixed company, hiking around or taking walks. Anything we did was simply exhilarating...and still is. The first time swimming nude was an electrifying experience and I still love jumping in the water.