Clothing Optional Vacation
Who has traveled to a clothing optional resort and packed no clothing, just wore something for the trip there taken it off upon arrival, and put the same thing back on to drive home?If you did, what did you wear for the trip?
I have done that. Just shorts, shirt, some slip on shoes and a cap. Even if it is a clothing optional place, I make it nudity mandatory on my part when I go. I gas up just before I get to the place so I have a full tank for the trip home when I leave and don't have to stop for it.
Not quite what you asked but we have sort of. Several years ago went to N Resort in Jamaica (before it closed) for 10 days. My wife and I packed in one carry on suitcase that had a lot of empty space. We packed toiletries, reading material, and a set of extra clothes and swimsuits just in case. In the end we travelled there and back in the same clothes and never touched the extras in the carry on suitcase.