At the Pool

While currently in Las Vegas, I have seen two 20-30 year old men wearing underwear under their swim trunks at the pool. The waistbands were visible.

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RE:At the Pool

That must feel uncomfortable to be wearing underwear beneath your boardshorts.

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RE:At the Pool

I only wear underwear (compression shorts) under my board shorts if I plan on wearing boardshorts all day and will be in and put of the water like when I go beach camping. This is to stop the chafing that happens when my shorts are wet and I do a lot of walking. If just to the pool then all I wear are my board shorts.

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RE:At the Pool

Oh... Regular underwear under a bathing suit has to be like giving your self a wedgy...

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RE:At the Pool

What about wearing steel underwear to get a 150% compression for the case that your cock shows he' s still alive? Success guaranteed!

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