Garden update

We are currently in the middle of a heat wave here in the north woods with temps today forecast to be in the upper 90's. It is nice though, to be able to go out in the garden naked at 7AM.

It's been a crazy growing season. In mid-April we got 14" of snow and ice that put the garden about 2 weeks later than normal. Then it got hot in May and the warm weather crops went in a couple of weeks early so the whole planing season was very much condensed.

The good news is that we are now picking tomatoes and peppers from the greenhouse. The lettuce, kale, spinach, onions, and straw berries are now in full production. Bugs (other than flies) have been very scarce so far, but the weeds have been on a real rampage. But so far the gardening year is above average.

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RE:Garden update

yer hotter than we are 600 miles south. But it's so humid it's hard to work. And I got behind on the weeds with my 3 week trip, but we'll go at it early and late, mid day not so much.

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