What is Sensual Massage

Greetings Everyone,

I would like to pose an interesting and philosophical perspective and get some views on what your interpretation of what a Sensual Massage is. As I see it Sensual massage is open to interpretation by the individual both giving and receiving. Just the simple act of touch between people can be sensual, even the smelling of a certain fragrance can be arouse sensual feelings. Some may view sensual massage to be more sexual in nature while others may see it as just the simple act of massage in of itself. Below I have added the definition of what Sensual is according to the Webster Dictionary.

Sensual: relating to or consisting in the gratification of the senses or the indulgence of appetite

Please lets keep the discussion friendly, cordial, and informative.

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RE:What is Sensual Massage

To me a sensual massage is different in the intent. I agree that sensual can be quite subjective but for me a sensual massage includes genitalia without the intent to provide or stimulate climax. Simply to provide pleasure. And can include body to body and other modalities. I love the trust and intimacy of providing a sensual massage to men and women knowing that o sexual performance is expected from either party. I am ok with mutual touching during a sensual massage but prefer to focus my energies on the person.

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RE:What is Sensual Massage

Like what has been Said from others I would like to add, that a sensual massage for me either to receive or give is focussing on the areas that get the most response when touch, brush or stimulated in all sorts of way. Sensual is a level of bliss letting the giver have complete and unrestricted rein over their body. sort of like no holes barred!

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RE:What is Sensual Massage

I agree entirely with the above comments. Having done a beginner course in Sensual massage, the receiver has to determine what that wish to achieve from the massage. Both males and females have many sensory parts to our bodies. Touching can be erotic, its what the giver and receiver want.

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