Working from Home

I am lucky enough to regularly work from home which means I get to work naked quite often.

I have put a piece of tape over my laptop camera just in case though :)

Often do naked DIY too as you can see in one of my pics

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Working from Home

Awesome wish I could do that... but I do all the projects around the house naked

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Working from Home

I am lucky enough to regularly work from home which means I get to work naked quite often.I have put a piece of tape over my laptop camera just in case though :)Often do naked DIY too as you can see in one of my pics

I work from home as well and are naked quite a bit of the time. Only when I have to go out or if my son's girlfriend is over and even then I'm in my office nude. Should probably cover my desk top camera as well. Also love doing projects around the house nude too! Lots of painting, cleaning, cabinet making. You name it. It's more fun naked.

This post was edited 6 years ago
  • 6 years ago
RE:Working from Home

As a firefighter, I never worked from home but did render medical assistance to neighborhood adults and children from time to time, but I was always dressed. My wife did bring work home with her. She was a college English Professor and was on the phone, computer or grading papers and did it all while naked.

Working around the house naked is the norm. Cleaning, maintenance and repairs or making or building things... I'm naked doing so 99.9% of the time. Only if I'm working where my waist to my knees is above the fence or wall do I slip on some shorts.

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  • 6 years ago
RE:Working from Home

I, too, am lucky enough work from home so am working naked all the time and have also covered the camera on my work computer. Personal computer still has the camera uncovered, though. Do all of the chores around the house's the ONLY way to live, lol.

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  • 6 years ago
RE:Working from Home

Working on remodeling our master bathroom. Demo, tile, cabinet, drywall, electric, and painting. Self employed so when not in the field I,m working naked from home. usually having lunch naked in the back yard when nice.

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  • 6 years ago
RE:Working from Home

I see you are remodeling your master bathroom. I'm a self employed "licensed" tile contractor' 32 years' only 20-30 miles from your area. Need a tile installation quote?


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  • 6 years ago
RE:Working from Home

I work from home as well and I also have a piece of tape over my laptop camera just in case. lol I don't wear clothes unless I have to go and meet one of my textile clients. I am fortunate to have nudist clients as well who prefer to conduct business in the nude and I wish that my practice was 100% textile-free. I have been known to travel to and from those appointments naked, and have been stuck in big city freeway rush hour traffic while driving naked. No one ever seems to notice or care, including the Highway Patrol. lol

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  • 6 years ago
RE:Working from Home

Some of my acquaintances have admitted to working nude at home and others have implied they do.
I could never officially work from home, but when I was catching up on my own time I often did it nude.
Now that I am retired, I still serve on professional committees and am usually nude for both conference calls and offline work

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  • 6 years ago
RE:Working from Home

I also work from a "nude home office". I am in sales, so I can do that at times. I do like to be talking on the phone while little secret.

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  • 5 years ago
RE:Working from Home

One of my acquaintances who usually worked from home nude recently retired. He mentioned that he is actually dressed more than when he was working since he is involved in more community activities and spends more time working in his yard, which is open to two busy roads.
Probably the opposite from many of us who are nude more since they retired.

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  • 5 years ago

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