Best Places and Clubs

Trying to create a NUDIST version of TRIP Advisor - - - not many places have a chance to sell their club, resort, group - - - hard to find honest reviews about locations. We read the Bulletin (AANR) and N Magazine (TNS) and they are both great resources! BUT straight forward discussion is best please feel free to post!

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RE:Best Places and Clubs

Favorite places to hang out in the buff...

The Natural Curacao
Lake Como
Natural Pines Resort
Passage Key

on any boat....

How about you? Any suggestions?

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RE:Best Places and Clubs

Mountain Air Ranch (suburban Denver) and Valley View Hot Springs also in CO are very nice. Beautiful scenery, hiking trails, etc. I was admitted without problem as a single man.

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RE:Best Places and Clubs

As a follow-up to the above, my recommendation about MAR prompted me to go out there today. Pool great, hiking lovely and a very nice $5 burger and fries for lunch. Not too many folks on a Thursday, but they were friendly. I will post a pic or two later.

For sea level people like me, hiking in the foothills at 7000 feet is a little more tiring than it oughtta be. And sun is strong. Gotta remember to slow the pace...

Hiking, scenery, the exercise area.

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RE:Best Places and Clubs

Again it really bothers me that single men get the 3rd degree! I understand that there are creepy pervs. out there, but I say anyone naked is deserving of a chance to be involved in a group!

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RE:Best Places and Clubs

We still want to travel out west - you have me sold on a visit to M A R - - hopefully next July! Thank you for your great post!

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RE:Best Places and Clubs

Thank you for your input! We need to help others find wonderful places to hang out NAKED!

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RE:Best Places and Clubs

I have been to Valley View hot springs in Colorado many times and its my favorite clothing optional place to go. The people are always very friendly and the sun sets and star gazing are second to none. In the late evening when the bats come out and skim over the party pool while the lighting bugs are lighting up the meadow is almost a magical time. Over the years it have become very popular so if your staying for a few days reservation are must.

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