WHY the stigma attached to social nudity?

USA - highest demand and consumption of porn worldwide!
USA - High sexual crime rate statistics
USA - Social nudity seems to be last TABOO!

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RE:WHY the stigma attached to social nudity?

The biggest reason I personally think people have LACK OF KNOWLEDGE! We need to educate others - pictured is a social nude gathering hunting for dinner size crabs or shellfish. Nothing naughty going on!

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RE:WHY the stigma attached to social nudity?

I believe it is the taught perception of morality. Not a good topic to get into on fourums. To each their own and what you believe is what you believe. Okay. I have had the Opportunity to live in different places and have noticed that the attitude changes in different areas. Not that it widely accepted. I have had conversations with different people about social nudity with a lot of different responses. Not always but a lot of the time it parallels their beliefs and how they were taught to percieved nudity for moral and seperital goodness.
I do notice more acceptance in the ones who were raised strictly and have since fallen out of that life.
That is just one but a big one.

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RE:WHY the stigma attached to social nudity?

Why, because textiles generally associate nudity with sex and can't understand why simple social nudity isn't erotic or sexual. I've been a member of TNS since 1981 and have never regreted it. I was a member of AANR but at the time they were not single male friendly, but TNS certainly was. I encourage everyone to join TNS.

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RE:WHY the stigma attached to social nudity?

True - except my wife was raised a serious Bible toting BAPTIST! Took to naturism like a duck to water!!

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RE:WHY the stigma attached to social nudity?

You are correct - TNS is everyone friendly! NAKED people should accept other naked people and the rights to be naked! TNS does that!! Glad to have you on board and look forward to your input!

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