I'm an entirely average male and don't have an unusual penis at all. Being a confident nudist, it's rather more astonishing that both men and women seem to have a determined interest in my foreskin, not my actual size. I've been studied and commented upon, sometimes both ladies and some men have asked questions about my natural state, the women because they have not seen a natural male before and some men who have been circumcised are clearly somewhat jealous and have a type of penis envy they want to exhibit and talk about. What a curious world we have!!!
This is mainly due to my living in the USA, though it's not just an interest in foreskins in general-it's usually the viewer being able to ask these things in a safe and normal way. It can be similarly interesting to be asked why I'm totally shaven and if that makes any appreciable difference in life. I've even been asked if having a foreskin makes masterbation better and how I achieve that when even couples haven't talked about it between themselves. People are interesting everywhere on the planet.