Walks and picnics.

I recently took myself out for a trip in the countryside, what with the amazing weather we have been having. I spent a blissful morning out in the lakes and barely saw a soul save for a couple that had hidden themselves at the side of the path having a picnic (they were very cool about it, I thought Id shocked them but he had just coincidentally dropped his tea as I came round the corner and wanted me to know I should just carry on enjoying my walk). Anyway, the reason Im posting is I was wondering if anyone else fancied a trip out sometime? Doesnt have to be as far as the lakes if anyone knows of a nice area to walk that isnt very busy?

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RE:Walks and picnics.

Took inspiration from your post and went for a walk with dog , there was a few anglers about but managed to find a stretch of walk where I could see if anybody was coming . Got myself striped off and enjoyed a brilliant 10 /15 mins naked out door walking . Even managed to get a pic for my media .

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