Nude Camping Weekend

Hey Wasatch Front members! Thinking of a camping trip in August. Would like to have a body of water involved, so not quite sure what our options are. I had two possible ideas but some input would be great.

1. Flaming Gorge we have been there a few times, but have not found and ideal location to get naked. We camped at some boat camps and were able to be naked but those limit access to members who do not have a boat or water craft. Even if we got a group site at the camp ground, that is to public unless we then went out on the lake to hang out during the day and find a secluded area. It's and amazing location for swimming and jumping off the rocks though, we do know of one boat camp there that has easy access by MTB from the Mustang Ridge Camp Ground that could be a good possibility. We have camped at Mustang Ridge before we owned a boat then rode our bikes out to this boat camp and were able to hang out naked for the day.

2. We went up to Jordanell the past couple weekends, there are a couple coves with small beaches that once you are in there is no room for other boats and are accessible by MTB.

3. Other Locations?

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RE:Nude Camping Weekend

Hi Eral!

Just throwing the idea out there for suggestions. Ideally we would like a location with water and everyone could have access wether or not they had a boat or water craft. Thinking of Flaming Gorge as a possibility. But secluded areas where we could be naked are often difficult to access by land.

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RE:Nude Camping Weekend

I don't own a boat, we rent. I just got an email that Antelope marina will be offering discounts in September. Rentals can run for a nice houseboat from 290. - 450. per day plus fuel and sewage fees.

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RE:Nude Camping Weekend

We just got back for 7 days on Lake Powell so awesome! I could see the discounted rate in September, off season the water will still be warm! Not sure when we can get away again but if a group was going we could try to show up at least for a weekend.

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RE:Nude Camping Weekend

Hi Earl,

We have a small boat once we load all our camping gear and coolers for a week we are pretty much at capacity. Best option for Lake Powell would be to organize a group house boat or rent a boat for a few days. Or we just bought a small one to suit our needs, it opens up so many options to find private locations one on local lakes to get naked and enjoy the sun.

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