QB's going down

Is this a wierd coincidence or what? I can't remember this many quarterbacks (startersand backups) who are out with injuries at any given time. Stafford, now Shaun Hill in Detroit, Dennis Dixon in Pittsburgh (Rothlisberger is back now, but looked sloppy at times last sunday), Jake Delhomme and Seneca Wallace in Cleveland, David Garrard and Trent Edwards in Jackosnville, Bruce Radkowski in Oakland (though he may be back already),and MIchael Vick, Kevin Kolb, and Jay Cutlermissed games because of injuries (I'm not including the starters who were pullled becasuethey were ineffective). Now Bret Favre and Tony Romo are out. Favre may come back soon , but Romo is out for the season. Dallas' hope of making it to the post season has faded.

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