Lake Powell is a Great Nudist Destination

Off to the lake for some fun in the sun nakedness skinny dipping never know what may pop up ;-) Anyone eles have plans for the Utah Holiday?

If you have not been to Lake Powell it is a must on any outdoor bucket list! We will be nude for 8 Days! There is a Lake Powell Nudist Group on as well for anyone looking for a great nudist destination.

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RE:Lake Powell is a Great Nudist Destination

Hope you guys have the best time! Jealous as I have to work through the Utah Holiday.

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RE:Lake Powell is a Great Nudist Destination

I'm jealous. Have fun.

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RE:Lake Powell is a Great Nudist Destination

Who will be the first to tell me more about the event? I am about 4 hours away from it and have questions about it and the lake knows nothing about this. So I assume that this lake is not entirely nude. Let me know if you want to respond to me.

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RE:Lake Powell is a Great Nudist Destination

Would not say it was an event, just going to Powell. If you have or are willing to rent a boat. There are many nudists at Lake Powell we just post then coord link up locations at the lake.

Sounds like Jan/Feb there may be and option to get in on a group house boat rental for the month of Aug stay tuned for that!

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RE:Lake Powell is a Great Nudist Destination

Only one person has answered our post about a group houseboat rental. Kinda disappointed but regardless Carl and I will be on the lake next year.

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RE:Lake Powell is a Great Nudist Destination

Only one person has answered our post about a group houseboat rental. Kinda disappointed but regardless Carl and I will be on the lake next year.

I can see it in some ways. I'd be very cautious renting a house boat with total strangers. If we had met previously and got along ok then no qualms whatsoever.

We're looking at putting together a group of friends for a rental; in fact we're looking into buying a share on a houseboat. But these are friends we've known for years. A Powell houseboat is very conducive to social nudity - the freedom, the privacy, the natural beauty.

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RE:Lake Powell is a Great Nudist Destination

Hey touch base with SunSeeker shoot him a private msg to coord and post details here. He his trying to put something together for next Aug 2019.

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RE:Lake Powell is a Great Nudist Destination

Are you guys also in the Lake Powell Nudist Group?

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