
the divider is actually a really good idea!

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I retired 4 months ago and my nude time is getting longer and longer been nude for 3 days so far . I have had no laundry this week so am using less clothes started to go through my closets and thinning out what's there. Being nude has been very liberating.

Have you continued to get rid of clothing? Are you at the level you want? How much do you have?

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Saw you live in Iowa. You don't find it difficult or expensive to keep the house warm enough to be nude at home in the winter?
Are you dressing primarily for church on Sunday morning?
If so, if you went to a church with a Saturday evening service, you could go then, and not get dressed for a complete week.
Any tentative timeline for getting rid of clothing you didn't need?

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One more question I thought of overnight.
While apparently your intent is to only be dressed 4 hours of so this week, what would you say is atypical amount of time for you to wear anything in a week?

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I have retired from 40 years with a law firm, traveling every week to some part of Texas. We live in Costa Rica for now. Minimal clothing needed...we live on a coffee farm.

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You might notice that Minimalist has many suggestion for getting rid of clothes you no longer need when retired to a nudist lifestyle.

I did it very differently. For some Items I simply cut off what I was wearing - or got someone else to do it. On other occasions I just stripped and put all my clothes in a public charity shop clothes bank. But for the big cull I laid them out on the bed and threw a pair of dice, cutting them up as they were picked out by the dice.

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You must have owned a lot of clothing at one time. After getting rid of your work clothes, vacations where most or even all of clothing you took was cut off, trips to drop the clothes you were wearing in a collection bin and playing clothing roulette, you still had about 50 items left before your most recent reduction!

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Olly is really the one with the creative ways of getting rid of clothing.
If basically only have two. If something is in good condition I donate it.
If not I put it on and cut or rip pieces off until there is nothing left.
Two things I wish I had done but didn't.
Gotten rid of all of my sleepwear as soon as I left home and got married.
Trashed my underwear and undershirt when I got home from work the last several days so the last of both would have been gone as soon as I got home from work the day I retired.

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I totally concur! We moved to Costa Rica...with a pair of shorts and two tee shirts!

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Thats awesome! Welcome to the retired world!

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