who did you unexpectedly get nude with?

When did you not expect the opportunity to pop up but when it did you took advantage of it and stripped off with a mate?

One that comes to mind for me was while sailing the Greek islands, with just the captain of the boat and myself, a young couple asked us if they could hitch a ride to the next island. They were bored on the small one where we met them. We agreed and at the Capt's suggestion we dropped sail midway between the 2 and all stripped off for a skinny dip in the bluest deepest water I have ever been in. The swim mask provide a deep down view of nothing but blue blue water and the 4 us all natural. When we climbed out and resumed our sail the rest put something back on but i stretched out on the deck and fell asleep, still bare.

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RE:who did you unexpectedly get nude with?

The time that most springs to mind was with my sister. We sunbathed on her hotel balcony. I commented that I preferred to do it naked. She said OK and off came the shorts. On the last day it rained but she still told me to get naked - this time for her to take photos. BTW while we were sunbathing she showed a lot of interest in my intimate parts.

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RE:who did you unexpectedly get nude with?

This wasn't a "get nude with" but a "stayed nude with" that was unexpected. I was visiting some nudist friends and a woman friend of theirs dropped over. She's not a nudist but I know she assumed that that they would be nude. She didn't know that they had another guest (me). It's someone I hadn't met, and I think it was the first time that I was introduced to a clothed woman while I was nude. She was perfectly comfortable with it and so was I. I didn't really think about it as a novel experience until later.

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RE:who did you unexpectedly get nude with?

My step son and his girlfriend dropped round and asked us if we fancied going on holiday with them. I explained we usually go to a nudist beach location and they both said thats fine so i asked if they are ok with me being naked and they said yes. Off came my shorts

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RE:who did you unexpectedly get nude with?

Invited a casual acquaintance (female) to join me in a public hot tub place in a nearby city. Turns out we were the only ones in the tub at one point so I asked if she minded if I got out of the suit (I hate them). She said she did not mind and I quickly slipped out of the suit and stayed nude while soaking and then while sitting in a small, private room (essentially a changing closet just big enough for two) to cool and dry off. She became comfortable enough to remove her top.

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RE:who did you unexpectedly get nude with?

I was on my local beach( not nudist ) but often found a quite spot in the dunes to strip off . A young couple came close by so a covered up with part of the towel I was lying on . They must have realised I was sunbathing nude . They walked on , then a few minutes later returned . Decided to settle down just out of sight of me . The guy stood up and asked if I could keep an eye on their belongings while they went for a swim , I was lying on my stomach naked . Told them not a problem . When they returned after a swim , dried off , he asked if it would be ok to join me , on my side of the dune, out of the strong breeze . Not a problem . They could see I was nude . After a while of sunbathing with their swimwear on, he asked if I minded if they striped off as well . Turns out they had never sunbathed nude before , and to start with, both lay on their stomachs . After a while , I rolled over to sit up for a smoke . She was a bit nervous I could see , till she decided to sit up and join me smoking . They were a young couple on their first holiday away together . Turned into a lovely afternoon , often wondered if perhaps they would become nudist together in the future .

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