RE: Bored with your own cooking?

The chicken recipe sounds great, Valley...I'll have to try it. My sweet wife loved the potato soup although I never could get her on the phone or find her recipe. She said, "it's better than mine"! I was proud.

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RE: Bored with your own cooking?

That meatloaf recipe sounds great! Will try it tomorrow night.

Thx, Jen

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RE: Bored with your own cooking?

A friend gave me an idea for tonight, think I'll try it. Tilapia filets coated with garlic chili paste, broiled. Found the paste in the Asian food section at the store, and it smells awesome. Now, what to fix with it...hmmmmm?

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RE: Bored with your own cooking?

A friend gave me an idea for tonight, think I'll try it. Tilapia filets coated with garlic chili paste, broiled. Found the paste in the Asian food section at the store, and it smells awesome. Now, what to fix with it...hmmmmm?

Green Beans Almondine and Couscous!

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RE: Bored with your own cooking?

Here is something I make sometimes, that is cheap, pretty easy, no real recipe required and you can totally make it to your own preferences.
You can find those boxes of Jiffy pizza crust mix for about 80 cents. Grab one, or even two if you want to make a big one. Gather up whatever vegetables you like, your favorite cheese, and if you like chicken, get some chicken breast and let it marinade. For a marinade I use some kind of chipotle/lime flavor, but then I like my food spicy. Cook/grill the chicken breast just until it is done, then tear it into small pieces, like shreddingit For vegetables, I use green chiles, onions, tomato, and cilantro.
Make the crust, and bake it for a few minutes. Once the surface of it has hardened, take it out, and put the green chile sauce on it. Then put the cheese on there, whatever veggies you chose, and the cooked marinated chicken. Put it back into the oven until it is done.
I call it sort of a New Mexico style pizza.

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RE: Bored with your own cooking?

Green Beans Almondine and Couscous!

My sweet wife would love the green beans. I think I may have some fresh ones in the frig. Couscous...probably not, but you never know.

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RE: Bored with your own cooking?

Pilot...that pizza sounds good. I occasionally make a pizza using the pre-made crusts from the store. Instead of using pizza sauce, I like the roasted red pepper alfredo in a jar as sauce, plus some spinach, chicken and mozarella cheese.

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RE: Bored with your own cooking?

Pilot...that pizza sounds good. I occasionally make a pizza using the pre-made crusts from the store. Instead of using pizza sauce, I like the roasted red pepper alfredo in a jar as sauce, plus some spinach, chicken and mozarella cheese.

That sounds really good too, I should give that one a try. i am always up for a new cooking experiment, and I find thats the best way to learn how to cook, is just to try stuff and see what happens.

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RE: Bored with your own cooking?

Here is one of my new whole food recipies. I'm challenging myself to eat more veggies!
1 bunch chard | 1/2 cloves of minced garlic | 1 T olive oil | 1 Granny Smith apple, chopped | 1/2 onion, sliced | Celtic Sea Salt| Balsamic Vinegar
Wash the chard leaves. An easy way to remove the chard from the stalk is to grab at the base, where the leaf meets the stalk, and pull towards the tip of the leaf. You should be left with a handful of chard leaves, separated from the stalk. Chop the stalk in bite-size pieces. Chop the leaves. Heat the olive oil in a skillet. Add the garlic and a pinch of sea salt, sautee. Sautee the chard stalks with the garlic and onions. Add the chard leaves and apples. Everything should be cooked, but slightly crisp. Dash with balsamic vinegar and remove from heat. Ready to serve.
Enjoy! Be good, be healthy, and be nude! Lauri

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RE: Bored with your own cooking?

Salmon in Citrus Sauce

1 1/2 pounds salmon filets, skin and bones removed, cut into 4 pieces
1/2 medium sized onion, chopped
2 medium cloves garlic, chopped
2 tbsp + 2 tsp fresh lemon juice
1 1/2 cup fresh orange juice
1 tsp fennel seed
2 tbsp minced fresh parsley, or green fennel tops
salt & white pepper to taste

Preheat boiler to high and place a stainless steel or cast iron skillet under broiler for about 10 minutes to get very hot.

Chop onions and garlic and let sit for 5 minutes to bring out their hidden health promoting properties

While skillet is heating, place chopped onion, garlic, fennel seeds, lemon juice, and orange juice in a shallow, wide sauce pan and cook on high heat for about 10-15 minutes to reduce to half the volume.

Season salmon pieces with with 2 tsp lemon juice, salt and pepper and place on hot skillet from broiler. Return pan to broiler (approximately 5-7 inches from heat) and broil salmon for about 7 minutes depending on thickness (10 minutes per inch of thickness). Do not turn, as salmon will cook on both sides at once.

Remove salmon from pan and place on platter. Season citrus sauce with salt and pepper and strain liquid over salmon. Discard rest. Sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.

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