Nudism makes me happy and relaxed :) Where can I enjoy it with others around me?

I am 20 years old and have been a stressed college student. I have found that sleeping nude has allowed me to sleep better and beig nude when I'm home makes me feel happier about my body and I enjoy the feeling so much more. I do not know any one even remotely close to being a nudist and I am wondering how I can start to meet people and find places to go where I could start enjoying nudism more outdoors and around others who make me feel comfortable. So, my question is, how do I find a place, such as a nudist reort around my area? I live near Traverse City, MI. Again, thank you, I am very excited to finally have found something that makes me relaxed and happy :)

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  • 14 years ago
RE: Nudism makes me happy and relaxed :) Where can I enjoy it with others around me?

I must also add this is all very, very new to me. It is something that I have discovered I would like to try and make a part of my life :)

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  • 14 years ago
RE: re

thanks :) and, just cuious, does it take people a long time or a short time on average to feel comfortable in a social nudist setting? I mean, for me,after 20 yrs. of this being so tabboo, it must be something that is hard to feel confortable with around people? Or, do most just start to feel like they can fit right in and just admit they are first timers and go from there? Thanks :)

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  • 14 years ago
RE: re

Although I'd experienced skinny dipping and outdoor nudism with a few I knew, I had great trepidation before my first socially nude experience. At my insistance we went to a clothing optional retreat instead of a full nudist club in case I got cold feet. I was there less than 5 minutes before I had everything off and felt right at home. All my fears, worries, concerns and misperceptions were nothing but a waste of my time and energy!

When it was time to leave, I was mentally kicking and screaming at the idea of having to put clothes back on.


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  • 14 years ago
RE: re

Although I'd experienced skinny dipping and outdoor nudism with a few I knew, I had great trepidation before my first socially nude experience. At my insistance we went to a clothing optional retreat instead of a full nudist club in case I got cold feet. I was there less than 5 minutes before I had everything off and felt right at home. All my fears, worries, concerns and misperceptions were nothing but a waste of my time and energy! When it was time to leave, I was mentally kicking and screaming at the idea of having to put clothes back on.
I agree, it is easier starting at a clothing optional place. I went to one for my first social nude outing, took me all of 5 seconds to be cormfortable, the people were so friendly there.

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  • 14 years ago
RE: re

you can try the vitanuda organization (a young nudists group) their site: See if that helps

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  • 14 years ago
RE: re

Alternativley you could look at the AANR website I am sure that will have a list of venues.

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  • 14 years ago
RE: re

Alternativley you could look at the AANR website I am sure that will have a list of venues.

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  • 14 years ago
RE: Nudism makes me happy and relaxed :) Where can I enjoy it with others around me?

I must also add this is all very, very new to me. It is something that I have discovered I would like to try and make a part of my life :)

A great place to start would be a nude beach where you are surrounded by fellow nudists. The relaxed atmosphere at a nude beach will quickly rub off on you.

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  • 14 years ago
RE: Nudism makes me happy and relaxed :) Where can I enjoy it with others arou

It took me less than 10 minutes to feel comfortable. That was over 40 yrs. ago.

I can very much recommend Turtle Lake in Union, MI - they're open all year long and have great facilities including indoor pool. Owners, Mark & Kathy, are great folk.

Take care and enjoy the de-stressing component of nudism. BTW, when I am nude, I can comprehend things I might be studying for - new degrees or another language - are more easily absorbed.

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  • 14 years ago
RE: Nudism makes me happy and relaxed :) Where can I enjoy it with others arou

I recently moved out of michigan but I had a LOT of fun at Turtle Lake Resort. You should check it out, it is by far the nicest resort in MI.

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  • 14 years ago