Living Natural in the rain
Weather has changed so much in this central part ofGeorgia in the United States that the heat draws all the moisture out of the ground and the climatic airflow intermingles with polutons dust particles and creates super magnetic fields of vapor that even cause computer-generated flights of government airflights to go awry. Surface to air lightning strikes are not uncommon. Walking in the rain and being struck or as most are being charged by the surface field around the lightning is incidental to being propelled by super-magnetic charged and lifted into the air. So this is to say, I still enjoy walking in the rain.
One can visually see the hair drawn by the fields of energy as it raises from the body. Artificial magnets will not even rise the hair on ones arms, but the magnetic field created in response to super-charged particles will straighten the kinkiest hair and leave it charged for days.
......but walking in the rain with it's drops of moisture engulfing the body in a coolness unsurpassed from any artificial cooling apparatus is exzilerating as well as nurturing to mind, body, and soul. Lightning will strike all around a wooden boat out on the high seas, unless of course it is made from myrtlewood, and only upset it with a shove to-and-fro. So walking in the rain is cautioned by elderly and senile. They remember when people were said to have been struck by lightning. Truth is lightning rods don't attract lightning as some would have us believe. They dissitate the energy field in a spiraling direction, just as cracking the windows in a house during a major storm allows the air preasure inside the home to align. With that outside the home. There's just something about walking in the rain that is unearthly. Animals in the fields lay down before the first drops of rain fall and usually prefer to lay down in the open. Seldom do they run for a building or a tree
In-natural man, just like in the rest of creation, there is a common thread of courage and fortitude drawing him to experience life-changing events that may lead him. Threw the gates of death ad well ad hold him in that central space surrounded by the magesty of experience. A fabled tale without ending or beginning. While walking thru the herison of vapor and rain.
- 7 years ago