Inappropriate comments

Very recently a young woman joined this forum and posted several semi-nude pictures. Yes, she's a physically beautiful girl, and some cretin (another member) saw fit to post a rude, sexually suggestive comment. No wonder so many single women don't stay. Is there any way to get this MENSA's comment removed?

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RE: Inappropriate comments

If the comments are in her album she herself has to delete them. Otherwise, no. It is unfortunate that things like this happen. I hope one day we can be dignified and accepting of one another without feeling the need to hump one's leg.

The best thing you yourself can do is report the offending comment by use of the Flag button located on the offensive member's profile.

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RE: Inappropriate comments

Yes, If she thinks it's inappropriate, she is free to remove it.
It's not up to you or me to remove others comments.

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RE: Inappropriate comments

Nail on the head ScotsAndrew : It doesn't matter if she is beautiful or not, she should be given the same amount of respect.

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RE: Inappropriate comments

For OregonGirl...
Thank you for the information. What particularly bothers me is the fact this is a brand new member, a young female, whom most agree is a sadly lacking demographic in here. When a 56 year old man feels the need to leave an inappropriate comment about the breasts of a woman less than half his age, it says far more about him than her. I'm just sick and tired of wonder so many decent people end up leaving this site.

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RE: Inappropriate comments

I for one would have no objection whatever about shutting off the comments completely. They serve no valid purpose and they invite abuse from vermin.
Agreed. Looking through other personal albums, they seem to be a magnet for cretins.

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RE: Inappropriate comments

Scots, your looking way to far into that statement. I haven't looked but the person she is speaking of could be 400 ilbs and the poster thinks she is beautiful. who knows. The point is, the comments are lewd. Not that anyone is more beautiful than anyone else
Agreed- It is perfectly appropriate to acknowledge one's opinion of beauty in a discussion. No need to attack the original poster for such a mild acknowledgment. As far as the comments; we will just have to flag the lewd ones and be careful not to go too far in allowing someone to express themselves in a harmless way. For example: "Oh the things I would do to you!" and "Oh my what a beautiful lady you are" are both comments that I would not post, but I would only consider flagging the first example.
I agree. And I'm equally sure you would find the comment "nice perkys" over the line. It's the fact the target is a new member that really bothers me.

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RE: Inappropriate comments

After a bit of looking around I found the offending comment that you were refering to. As long as people don't delete them and don't report them there will always be someone who thinks its okay.

It's upsetting because the person who left the comment is a certified long-standing member whom I thought to be a decent person.

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RE: Inappropriate comments

I'm wondering, was this mystery girl offended? I only see people who think she should be offended.

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RE: Inappropriate comments

i my opinion the albums are an expression. how somebody veiws thier Lives and wanting anybody else to see how they live it. if the pictures provides no value as you say. then your suggesting no pictures at all to view or upload. then this site will be nudist without pitures and just profiles.....sounds kind of dull if you ask me about the pictures providng no value. far as the inoppropiate comments...yes there is a couple of trolls parading around here and the sad thing. they even dont know they are TROLLS. funny how they just make themselves stand out like a sore thumb
Unless I missed it, no one suggested doing away with the picture albums. Only the comments.

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RE: Inappropriate comments

I'm wondering, was this mystery girl offended? I only see people who think she should be offended.
I don't know if she's offended. I hope not. But there are still some of us left who aren't afraid to speak up over inappropriate behaviour, whether the person addressed is offended or not. And yes, it may sound neanderthal to some, but it's worse for me when it concerns a woman.

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