Naked Gym is freedom

So great to see this group. Let us get it more active and grow the naturist gym community.

I am not a bodybuilder in the traditional sense of the word, but have made gym a huge part of my life for the last 25 years.
After various frustrations with textile gyms, I managed to built a private gym at my house and have gymed exclusively naked for the last 15 years.

My body image and confidence has changed dramatically as a result. I was always a nudist but as a kid was a bit shy because I was incredibly skinny. I knew the solution was stop being a lazy bastard and get in the gym.
20 years later I may be aging and my skin may be sagging, but I am still in shape. and that is because I gym naked. And always will!!

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RE:Naked Gym is freedom

I do stretching and body weight exercises at home nude on days I don't go to the gym. Am considering buying some basic gym equipment so I can skip getting dressed and driving to the gym to exercise.

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RE:Naked Gym is freedom

I do stretching and body weight exercises at home nude on days I don't go to the gym. Am considering buying some basic gym equipment so I can skip getting dressed and driving to the gym to exercise.

Was working out nude in the basement when I heard my wife call that the meter reader was here. Since I didn't have shorts with me, I did my best to cover with the towel I was using in my exercises. He didn't comment on my lack of dress. Not our usual reader. The other one has seen me in a towel once when I was working on the computer when the doorbell rang, so I just wrapped the towel I was sitting on around my waist and answered the door.

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RE:Naked Gym is freedom

Awesome! I also enjoy working out nude in my home gym too. I enjoyed your home gym story. Im also an older mature man but have embraced the fitness lifestyle, I run, surf, paddle Outrigger canoes, 6 man and 1man, have competed in them all and done well locally, I am an Xterra age group 5k World Champion, and absolutely love it! Thanks it is nudists like you that keep me humble, excited and focused. Aloha and mahalo, thanks.

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RE:Naked Gym is freedom

Awesome! I also enjoy working out nude in my home gym too. I enjoyed your home gym story. Im also an older mature man but have embraced the fitness lifestyle, I run, surf, paddle Outrigger canoes, 6 man and 1man, have competed in them all and done well locally, I am an Xterra age group 5k World Champion, and absolutely love it! Thanks it is nudists like you that keep me humble, excited and focused. Aloha and mahalo, thanks.

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