Kilt sighting today in L.A. criminal courthouse downtown

Hi - I'm been on jury duty the last 4 days. Yesterday waiting after our very long lunch break I see a another badged juror waiting around and he's wearing a kilt. I thought that was pretty cool and took some balls. So I naturally assume he's like me and isn't wearing any underwear - which I never wear and don't even own any. This afternoon after lunch break he's back and waiting patiently w/everyone else. I go the the bathroom to piss before back into courtroom and in he walks as I am washing my hands directly across from the urinals. I can clearly see him (in the mirror) step up to the urinal and just lift up his kilt/skirt to piss - clearly balls flopping naked with no underwear. Pretty hot to see and how incredible and free/naked to be able to do that in such a public place. Tim

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  • 14 years ago
Keeping the kilt clean

I discovered what I assume to be the military equivalent of underwear in kilted regiments at a highland games some years ago. I was in the mens room and several pipers from a band came in. When they lifted their kilts to pee I could see that they had handkerchiefs pinned front and back to prevent soiling the kilt. Since bands tend to reflect military practice, I assumed this might be SOP in the kilted regiments. It would certainly make sense if you have a fine wool highland kilt!

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  • 13 years ago